
  • BIOS477/877 Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution

    Spring semester: 3 credits, Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 - 12:15 pm
    Course Web site: http://bioinfolab.unl.edu/emlab/Courses/BIOS877/current/index.html
    [It was first offered in Spring 2004 as
    BIOS497/897 Special Topics in Biological Sciences: Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution]

[Previously taught]
  • BIOS915Z: Bioinformatics & Biological Modeling Seminar (2002 ~ 2004)

    A seminar course previously known as Bioinformatics Club.
    Spring & fall: 1 credit, weekly - biweekly; Wednesday [Spring] or Thursday [Fall] 12:40 - 1:45 pm
    Location: E228 Beadle Center
    For the current schedule, see the course web site below.
    Course Web site: http://bioinfolab.unl.edu/bioinformatics-club/index.html

  • BIOS427/827 Practical Bioinformatics Laboratory

    Team-taught with Guoqing Lu (Main instructor; Bioinfo Core Facility) and Hideaki Moriyama (Chemistry).
    Spring semester: 3 credits, Friday 12:00 - 2:30 pm
    Location: Keim Hall 210 (East Campus)
    Spring 2005 Course Syllabus
    After 2006, Hideaki Moriyama (now in SBS) teaches this course by himself. Its Course Syllabus is here

  • BIOS816/VBMS 818 Computer Aided Sequence Analysis (replaced with BIOS427/827)

    A practical tutorial course team-taught with Guoqing Lu (Main instructor; Bioinformatics Core Facility), Ruben Donis (VBMS), and Hideaki Moriyama (Chemistry).
    Spring semester: 2 credits, Friday 12:30 - 2:10 pm (Keim Hall 210, East Campus)
    Taught in Spring 2004, and in Spring 2003

List of bioinformatics and related courses at UNL are available here.

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