

Etsuko Moriyama - Principal Investigator - SBS faculty page


Professor ( School of Biological Sciences, Center for Plant Science Innovation, Nebraska Food for Health Center)
Email: emoriyama2 at unl . edu
Phone: 402-472-4979 (403B Manter Hall)

[Lab: 403 Manter Hall; Lab phone: 402-472-4939]

Adam Voshall


Postdoctoral Associate ( School of Biological Sciences)
Email: avoshal1 at huskers . unl . edu

Sairam Behera


Graduate Student (PhD Computer Science)
Email: sbehera at cse . unl . edu

Yingshan Li


Graduate Student (PhD GCMB Biological Sciences, CSC Scholar)
Email: li.yingshan at huskers . unl . edu

Carlos Riera-Ruiz


Graduate Student (PhD GCMB Biological Sciences, Fulbright Scholar)
Email: criera-ruiz at huskers . unl . edu

Stering Ericsson


Graduate Student (MS GCMB Biological Sciences, Summer RA)
Email: sterlingericsson at yahoo . com

The Nguyen


System Administrator (Professional Computer Solutions)
Email: ty_nguyen at professionalcomputersolutions . biz

Undergraduate students:

Bethany Hage — beth.hage at gmail . com (Computer Science, UCARE/UGRA)

Quinn Lanik — cqlanik at gmail . com (Computer Science, UCARE/UGRA)

Spencer Stream — sprewstream at gmail . com (Computer Science, UGRA)

Katie Muilenburg — astrokatie2019 at gmail . com (Biological Sciences, UGRA)

— Former Lab Members —

  • Yavuz Fatih Yavuz (System Administrator)
  • Qiaomei Zhong (Web Programmer)

 [Graduate students]
  • Catherine Anderson — canderson at mcnees . edu (CS PhD; now Assistant Professor at Eelctrical Engineering and Computer Science, McNeese State University) (emlab personal Web page)
  • Julien Gradnigo (BioSci MS)
  • Neethu Shah (CS MS; now Programmer/Analyst at Baylor College of Medicine)
  • Seong-il Eyun — eyun at cau . ac . kr (BioSci PhD; now Assistant Professor, Department of Life Science, Chung-Ang University)
  • Ximeng Zheng (BioSci MS)
  • Pooja K. Strope (CS MS, BioSci PhD; now at RefSeq/NCBI)
  • Jason Macrander (emlab personal web page) (BioSCi MS; PhD from Ohio State, EEOB)
  • Mamta Bajaj (BioSci MS)
  • Chendhore Sai Veerappan (BioSci MS; PhD from University of Southern California)
  • Skanth Ganesan (CS MS Graduate)
  • Soon-Myung (Jason) Lee (CS MS)
  • Zhifang Wang (CS MS; now at One Lambda)

 [Undergraduate students]
  • Brandon Fulk (Biology, UGRA)
  • Kelsey Augustin (Wayne State College, INBRE scholar)
  • Chia Sin Liew (Biology, UCARE)
  • Jill Westcott (Math, Honored Program)
  • Oluwatoyosi Sanya (Biology, UCARE)
  • Caleb Huenefeld (CSE, UCARE)
  • Ishwari Poudel (Biological Systems Engineering, INBRE scholar)
  • Minh Nguyen (Biology, UCARE)
  • Vinh Nguyen (Biology, UCARE)

 [Summer or Visiting Student] 
  • Xue Zhou (Visiting PhD graduate student, 2010, Nanjing Agricultural University)
  • Mrutyunjaya (Rocky) Parida (Summer Internship 2010, MS graduate student, Grand Valley State University, MI)
  • Karen Holly (Summer INBRE Program 2009, undergraduate, University of Nebraska at Omaha, NE)
  • Chrysanthemum Hawthorne (Summer REU Program 2009, undergraduate, Mississippi Valley State University, MS)
  • Julien Gradnigo (Summer Research Program 2008, undergraduate, Allegheny College, PA)
  • Marian Wansapura (Math PhD graduate student)
  • Namita Sakhuja (Biology undergraduate)

— Collaborators —

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