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Catherine Lee Anderson (Cate)
PhD candidate and Graduate Research Assistant
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Field: Bioinformatics
SuiteMSA     Visual tools for the comparison and analysis of MSAs
  • Secondary structure and transmembrane display
  • Information content display
  • Detailed comparison between two alternate MSAs
SuiteMSA webpage
  Fungal Genome Collection     A gatherine of fungal genomes with analysis of Blast Search result from NCBI, UniProt and Fungal versus Fungal databases
  • Taxonomic hit analysis
  • GO term association
  • Orthologous grouping
Fungal Genome Collection
  Gene Expression pipeline     A pipe line for the analysis of gene expression using Solex illumina data
  • Coverage viewer
  • SNP analysis
  • transcript expression
  Simulated Protein Database     Data sets contain 5000 and 10,000 taxa.
    data sets include
  • Sequences sets
  • "true" MSA
  • phylogeny
Simulated Protein BenchMark Database