Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
(see more links for bioinformatics software from
"Computing" page
The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
(ClustalX, ClustalW available from their ftp site)
The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR)
MIPS (Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences
Oxford University Bioinformatics Centre
CBS (Center for Biological Sequence Analysis) at Technical University of Denmark
Computational Biology at UC Santa Cruz (HMM etc.)
SAM (Sequence Alignment and Modeling System) at UC Santa Cruz
University of Oxford, Mathematical Genetics and Bioinformatics
EMBOSS: The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite
Institut Pasteur, Biological Software (lots of software including Web ClustalW, Web Phylip3.6a3!)
Bioinformatics Web: IU Center for Genomics & Bioinformatics (lots of software, including free EMBOSS WEB!)
Pedro's BioMolecular Research Tools
CMS MBR (CMS Molecular Biology Resource) Sequence Analysis Tools list
Pôle Bio-Informatique Lyonnais
UNMC Computer Aided Genetic Sequence Analysis (class notes included)
O'Reilly - Bioinformatics
Genome News Network
The BioPerl Project
The BioJava Project
The BioPython Project
Support Vector Machine
SVMlight (Support Vector Machine software)
Support vector classifiers: a first look
Bioinformatics tools/software for download
Se-Al: Sequence Alignment Editor (Mac OS 9/X)
SeaView: a graphical multiple sequence alignment editor (Mac OS 9/X, Windows, Unix/Linux)
BioEdit: A biological sequence alignment editor for Windows
GeneDoc: A Full Featured Multiple Sequence Alignment Editor, Analyser and Shading Utility for Windows
GeneStudio: A sequence analysis software (including the free SeqVerter, format converter) (Windows) Free Software List (Windows, Mac, Unix/Linux)
Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny
PAUP* 4.0
MacClade Home Page
PHYLIP Home Page
Ziheng Yang's Home Page (PAML etc.)
University of Oxford, Evolutionary Biology Group (Seq-Gen, Se-Al, and a lot more)
MrBayes: Bayesian inference of phylogeny
GDA (Genetic Data Analysis)
GenePop : Population genetics at work
Arlequin (a software for population genetics data analysis)
Genetics Software from the Slatkin Lab, UC Berkeley
Fu's home page
Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA)
Correspondence Analysis of Codon Usage
GCUA:General Codon Usage Analysis
CUTG (Codon Usage Database)
Biology Links (Databases, Evolution, Software, etc.)
EvolDir (Evolutionary Directory)
SMBE (Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution)
Protein, Pattern, and Profile Databases
PIR International Protein Sequence Database
iProClass: An intergrated Protein Classification Database
Protein Information Resource (PIR) Database Information
ExPASy - Proteomics Tools
Pfam (Database of protein domain and HMMs)
TIGRFAMs (TIGR Protein Families)
PRINTS (Protein Fingerprint Database)
InterPro Home
MetaFam Home
The Protein Domain Database (ProDom)
Blocks WWW Server
Protein Fold, Structural Comparison, and Databases
PDB: Protein Data Bank
PDBsum: A database of the known 3D structures of proteins and nucleic acids
NCBI Structure Group (MMDB: Molecular Modeling DataBase, VAST Structure Neighbor Search, etc.)
SCOP: Structural Classification of Proteins
CATH - Protein Structure Classification
DALI: Protein Structure Comparison by Diatance Matrix Alignment
FSSP: Fold Classification based on Structure-Structure alignment of Proteins
HOMSTRAD: Homologous Structure Alignment Database
G-Protein Coupled Receptor (GPCR) and Other Transmembrane Proteins
GPCRDB home page
G-Protein Coupled Receptor Database
(this link has been broken for a long time)
SenseLab and Olfactory Receptor DataBase (ORDB)
Ligand Gated Ion Channel database
Transport Protein Overview
NIHS: Database: Receptor DB
Transmembrane Prediction
TMpred Server
TMHMM server
Drosophila melanogaster @ NCBI
FlyBase @
Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project
Interactive Fly, Drosophila
Segmentation Gene Nets
Genome Databases
euGenes: Genomic Information for Eukaryotic Organisms
The Arabidopsis Information Resource
Whitehead Institute/MIT for Biomedical Research: Center for Genome Research
The Sanger Centre, C. elegans Genome Project
The Sanger Centre, Genome Project
WormPep: The Sanger Centre, C. elegans Project
Human Genome Project Information
Statistics & Statistical software
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Statistics
S-PLUS (Insightful Home page)
The R Project for Statistical Computing (GNU S)
ADE-4 on the Web
Fourier Transformation (tutorials)
Fourier Analysis for Beginners (by Thibos, Indiana Univ)
Mathematics of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
Understanding the Discrete Fourier Transform
Unix/Linux Reference & Tutorials
Alphabetical Directory of Linux Commands
UNIX Commands and Unix tutorial list
A Basic UNIX Tutorial
Unix Tutorial
UNIX Tutorial: Absolute Beginner to Linux "Expert" in 10 Lessons
Unix Tutorial for Molecular Biologists
UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator's Edition (including descriptions for Unix Shells)
Shell Script Tutorials (many shell scripts & Unix Primer)
BASH Programming - Introduction HOW-TO
C-shell Cookbook
Unix Shell Scripts (C-shell)
Perl Programming Course for Bioinformatics and Internet (including UNIX)
Bioperl course at Pasteur Institute - The source for Perl
O'Reilly Network - The Source for Open and Emerging Technologies
Bruce Eckel's MindView, Inc. OOP Resources (Thinking in C++, Thinking in JAVA etc.)
Dr. Dobb's Web Site
Other Computer stuff (including utilities)
MySQL: The World's Most Popular Open Source Database
MySQL Reference Manual
MySQL Tutorial (Chapter 3 of "MySQL Reference Manual")
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Apache HTTP Server Project
Accelrys (GCG, MacVector, Discovery Studio Gene)
VNC - Virtual Network Computing from AT&T Laboratories Cambridge
VNCThing (VNCviewer for Macintosh)
WinSCP: A Free Secure Copy software for Windows
PuTTY: A Free Win32 Telnet/SSH Client
EditPlus: A text editor, HTML editor and programmers editor for Windows
Network Associates (McAfee AntiVirus)
VMware (Virtual Computing)
StarNet Communications - XWin32 (PC X-Window server)
RedHat Linux
O'Reilly - Computer Books
UNL sites
UNL Home
UNL School of Biological Sciences
Plant Science Initiative
Center for Biotechnology
Beadle Center conference room schedule
Bioinformatics Club at UNL
Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Recruitment Program (LSIGRP)
UNL Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
UNL - Computer Sales Catalog
University of Nebraska Software Server
UNL Information Services Communications
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
UNL Electronic Journals
Electronic Forms: UNL Libraries
UNL Lotus Notes Web Site
UNL Logos for Web, Print, and Presentation Materials
Journal search, Journals, and Books
Web of Science (from outside of UNL, HTTP Proxy configuration required)
Molecular Biology and Evolution (MBE)
Journal of Molecular Evolution (JME)
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Online (PNAS)
Genetics Online
Nucleic Acids Research
Genome Research
Genome Biology home page
IDEAL (Academic Press Journals)
Annual Reviews
O'Reilly Computer Books
Best Book Buys (Book price comparison) (include Book price comparison) - online book price comparison service
Collaborator, Friends, etc.
Junhyong Kim Laboratory Web at Yale
Jeff Powell Lab at Yale
Yale University, Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Dan Hartl Lab at Harvard
Harvard University, Dept. of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
National Institute of GENETICS, Japan
Grant related
UNL - Office of Research
Nebraska EPSCoR
National Science Foundation (NSF)
NSF - Directorate of Biological Sciences
NSF - FastLane
NIH Home Page
Other useful sites
Lincoln Airport
Lincoln/Lancaster County Convention and Visitors Bureau
Merriam-Webster OnLine
Google search
Deja News
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