Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Schizosaccharomyces octosporus SO6
CorA family magnesium ion transporter
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
91EEH23340.1    665    magnesium transporter ALR1 [Paracoccidioides...F3524e-120     383     48     70
92XP_003013997.1    782    hypothetical protein ARB_07717 [Arthroderma...F3046e-120     386     57     75
93XP_003345359.1    793    hypothetical protein SMAC_04590 [Sordaria m...F3326e-120     386     56     72
94CCH58580.1    849    hypothetical protein TBLA_0A07910 [Tetrapis...F3768e-120     388     49     65
95CCC11605.1    822    unnamed protein product [Sordaria macrospor...F3321e-119     387     56     72
96EEH49175.1    875    conserved hypothetical protein [Paracoccidio...F3401e-119     388     53     70
97XP_002789562.1    871    conserved hypothetical protein [Paracoccidi...F3401e-119     388     54     70
98EEH10495.1    656    magnesium transporter ALR1 [Ajellomyces cap...F3531e-119     382     48     70
99XP_003025041.1    783    hypothetical protein TRV_00779 [Trichophyto...F3041e-119     385     57     75
100XP_002148197.1    654    CorA family metal ion transporter, putative...F3532e-119     381     47     69
101EGX48638.1    953    hypothetical protein AOL_s00080g267 [Arthro...F3472e-119     389     54     66
102XP_001793487.1    820    hypothetical protein SNOG_02893 [Phaeosphae...F3335e-119     385     54     71
103EGP85333.1    412    hypothetical protein MYCGRDRAFT_105489 [Myc...F3537e-119     372     50     69
104XP_002482452.1    651    CorA family metal ion transporter, putative...F3539e-119     379     48     69
105XP_001589221.1    882    hypothetical protein SS1G_09854 [Sclerotini...F3321e-118     385     56     72
106CCF47312.1    850    CorA-like Mg2+ transporter [Colletotrichum ...F3231e-118     385     57     74
107XP_003005104.1    534    manganese resistance protein MNR2 [Verticil...F3261e-118     375     55     73
108EFQ35258.1    853    CorA-like Mg2+ transporter [Glomerella gram...F3241e-118     384     57     73
109XP_002541337.1    836    conserved hypothetical protein [Uncinocarpu...F3222e-118     384     56     74
110XP_002378152.1    879    CorA family metal ion transporter, putative...F3064e-118     384     56     75
111EFW99945.1    1058    Mg2+ transporter protein [Grosmannia clavig...F3535e-118     388     54     69
112XP_001218072.1    1330    conserved hypothetical protein [Aspergillus...F3577e-118     392     50     71
113GAA23034.1    858    K7_Alr2p [Saccharomyces cerevisiae Kyokai n...Y4011e-116     379     46     63
114EDZ72468.1    766    YFL050Cp-like protein [Saccharomyces cerevi...Y4011e-116     377     46     63
115NP_116604.1    858    Alr2p [Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c] gi|1...Y4012e-116     379     46     63
116XP_001908636.1    834    hypothetical protein [Podospora anserina S ...Y3342e-116     379     55     72
117EDV09793.1    858    magnesium transporter ALR2 [Saccharomyces c...Y4012e-116     379     46     63
118NP_983925.1    799    ADL171Wp [Ashbya gossypii ATCC 10895] gi|44...F3872e-116     377     47     62
119XP_001242345.1    662    hypothetical protein CIMG_06241 [Coccidioid...F3552e-116     373     50     70
120EFW22939.1    662    CorA family metal ion transporter [Coccidio...F3553e-116     373     50     70
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