Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Schizosaccharomyces octosporus SO6
CorA family magnesium ion transporter
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
61EGX93986.1    898    CorA family metal ion transporter [Cordycep...F3253e-124     401     56     74
62XP_001247128.1    853    hypothetical protein CIMG_00899 [Coccidioid...F3223e-124     399     56     74
63XP_002174658.1    835    magnesium transporter ALR1 [Schizosaccharomy...F3513e-124     399     52     70
64EGE03665.1    823    CorA-like Mg2+ transporter protein [Trichop...F3214e-124     399     56     74
65XP_001273915.1    660    CorA family metal ion transporter, putative...F3554e-124     394     50     71
66EGX50231.1    647    hypothetical protein AOL_s00076g306 [Arthro...F3617e-124     392     52     71
67CBY00954.1    655    similar to CorA family metal ion transporte...F3537e-124     392     51     70
68XP_001826461.1    884    corA family metal ion transporter [Aspergil...F3309e-124     399     55     74
69XP_001267737.1    885    CorA family metal ion transporter, putative...F3299e-124     399     56     73
70NP_595545.1    803    CorA family magnesium ion transporter (pred...F3392e-123     396     55     71
71XP_002621171.1    658    CorA family metal ion transporter [Ajellomy...F3532e-123     392     50     71
72XP_001220805.1    322    hypothetical protein CHGG_01584 [Chaetomium...F3152e-123     380     57     73
73XP_001942022.1    847    magnesium transporter ALR2 [Pyrenophora tri...F3327e-123     396     54     73
74EGC41853.1    864    MIT family metal ion transporter [Ajellomyc...F3198e-123     396     56     74
75EEQ83406.1    873    CorA family metal ion transporter [Ajellomy...F3192e-122     395     57     73
76XP_002621541.1    873    CorA family metal ion transporter [Ajellomy...F3192e-122     395     57     73
77XP_003036626.1    275    hypothetical protein SCHCODRAFT_83822 [Schi...F2692e-122     375     64     80
78EGE81858.1    873    CorA family metal ion transporter [Ajellomy...F3192e-122     395     57     73
79EHY57540.1    871    MIT family metal ion transporter [Exophiala...F3323e-122     395     55     72
80XP_002478795.1    875    CorA family metal ion transporter, putative...F3364e-122     395     53     71
81XP_001542861.1    656    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces...F3531e-121     387     48     70
82CCD53285.1    747    similar to corA family metal ion transporte...F3322e-121     389     57     73
83EGP86768.1    844    hypothetical protein MYCGRDRAFT_73271 [Myco...F3283e-121     391     54     72
84XP_365039.1    813    hypothetical protein MGG_09884 [Magnaporthe ...F3176e-121     390     59     74
85XP_002790832.1    665    conserved hypothetical protein [Paracoccidi...F3528e-121     385     48     70
86XP_001552935.1    883    hypothetical protein BC1G_08622 [Botryotini...F3321e-120     391     57     73
87EHL02812.1    501    putative metal ion transporter C17A12.14 [G...F3271e-120     379     56     74
88EDP51333.1    663    CorA family metal ion transporter, putative...F3552e-120     384     51     71
89XP_754049.1    663    CorA family metal ion transporter [Aspergil...F3552e-120     384     51     71
90EER40811.1    656    magnesium transporter ALR1 [Ajellomyces cap...F3533e-120     383     48     70
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