— a hierarchical mining tool for 7TMRs —
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7TMR Protein Prediction Statistics - Deuterostomia

6 classifiers: the number of 7TMR candidates based on the intersection set from LDA, QDA, KNN20, SVM_AA, SVM_di and PLS_ACC
SAM2+GPCRHMM: the number of 7TMR candidates predicted by either of SAM2 or GPCRHMM
5-10TM: proteins predicted to have between 5 and 10 TMs by both Phobius and HMMTOP
7-8TM: proteins predicted to have between 7 and 8 TMs by both Phobius and HMMTOP

Anolis carolinensis
Danio rerio
Gallus gallus
Homo sapiens
Monodelphis domestica
Mus musculus
Ornithorhynchus anatinus
Takifugu rubripes
Sarcophilus harrisii
Xenopus tropicalis
Branchiostoma floridae
Ciona intestinalis
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus