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University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C
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1LocusLengthLocus description
Ortho button 4921YOL057W   711   YOL057W YOL057W SGDID:S000005418, Chr XV from 220767-222902, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Dipeptidyl-peptidase III; cleaves dipeptides from the amino terminus of target proteins; highly active on synthetic substrate Arg-Arg-2-naphthylamide; mammalian ortholog may be a biomarker for some cancers"   
Ortho button 4922YOL058W   420   YOL058W ARG1 SGDID:S000005419, Chr XV from 219211-220473, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Arginosuccinate synthetase, catalyzes the formation of L-argininosuccinate from citrulline and L-aspartate in the arginine biosynthesis pathway; potential Cdc28p substrate"   
Ortho button 4923YOL059W   440   YOL059W GPD2 SGDID:S000005420, Chr XV from 217126-218448, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "NAD-dependent glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, homolog of Gpd1p, expression is controlled by an oxygen-independent signaling pathway required to regulate metabolism under anoxic conditions; located in cytosol and mitochondria"   
Ortho button 4924YOL060C   706   YOL060C MAM3 SGDID:S000005421, Chr XV from 216137-214017, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Protein required for normal mitochondrial morphology, has similarity to hemolysins"   
Ortho button 4925YOL061W   496   YOL061W PRS5 SGDID:S000005422, Chr XV from 212244-213734, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "5-phospho-ribosyl-1(alpha)-pyrophosphate synthetase, synthesizes PRPP, which is required for nucleotide, histidine, and tryptophan biosynthesis; one of five related enzymes, which are active as heteromultimeric complexes"   
Ortho button 4926YOL062C   491   YOL062C APM4 SGDID:S000005423, Chr XV from 211995-210520, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Mu2-like subunit of the clathrin associated protein complex (AP-2); involved in vesicle transport"   
Ortho button 4927YOL063C   957   YOL063C CRT10 SGDID:S000005424, Chr XV from 210265-207392, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Protein involved in transcriptional regulation of RNR2 and RNR3; expression of the gene is induced by DNA damage and null mutations confer increased resistance to hydroxyurea; N-terminal region has a leucine repeat and a WD40 repeat"   
Ortho button 4928YOL064C   357   YOL064C MET22 SGDID:S000005425, Chr XV from 207176-206103, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Bisphosphate-3'-nucleotidase, involved in salt tolerance and methionine biogenesis; dephosphorylates 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphate and 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate, intermediates of the sulfate assimilation pathway"   
Ortho button 4929YOL065C   384   YOL065C INP54 SGDID:S000005426, Chr XV from 205885-204731, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 5-phosphatase with a role in secretion, localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum via the C-terminal tail; lacks the Sac1 domain and proline-rich region found in the other 3 INP proteins"   
Ortho button 4930YOL066C   591   YOL066C RIB2 SGDID:S000005427, Chr XV from 204471-202696, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Bifunctional enzyme with DRAP deaminase and tRNA:pseudouridine synthase activity; the deaminase catalyzes the third step in riboflavin biosynthesis and the synthase catalyzes formation of pseudouridine at position 32 in cytoplasmic tRNAs"   
Ortho button 4931YOL067C   177   YOL067C RTG1 SGDID:S000005428, Chr XV from 202518-201985, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Transcription factor (bHLH) involved in interorganelle communication between mitochondria, peroxisomes, and nucleus"   
Ortho button 4932YOL068C   503   YOL068C HST1 SGDID:S000005429, Chr XV from 201879-200368, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "NAD(+)-dependent histone deacetylase; essential subunit of the Sum1p/Rfm1p/Hst1p complex required for ORC-dependent silencing and mitotic repression; non-essential subunit of the Set3C deacetylase complex; involved in telomere maintenance"   
Ortho button 4933YOL069W   451   YOL069W NUF2 SGDID:S000005430, Chr XV from 198942-200297, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Component of the evolutionarily conserved kinetochore-associated Ndc80 complex (Ndc80p-Nuf2p-Spc24p-Spc25p); involved in chromosome segregation, spindle checkpoint activity and kinetochore clustering"   
Ortho button 4934YOL070C   501   YOL070C NBA1 SGDID:S000005431, Chr XV from 198725-197220, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Protein of unknown function, localizes to the bud neck and cytoplasm; interacts with Nap1p; may interact with ribosomes, based on co-purification experiments; potential Cdc28p substrate"   
Ortho button 4935YOL071W   162   YOL071W EMI5 SGDID:S000005432, Chr XV from 196507-196995, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Subunit of succinate dehydrogenase, which couples succinate oxidation to ubiquinone reduction; required for FAD cofactor attachment to Sdh1p; mutations in human ortholog PGL2 are associated with neuroendocrine tumors (paraganglioma)"   
Ortho button 4936YOL072W   455   YOL072W THP1 SGDID:S000005433, Chr XV from 194970-196337, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Nuclear pore-associated protein; component of TREX-2 complex (Sac3p-Thp1p-Sus1p-Cdc31p) involved in transcription elongation and mRNA export from the nucleus; involved in post-transcriptional tethering of active genes to the nuclear periphery and to non-nascent mRNP; contains a PAM domain implicated in protein-protein binding"   
Ortho button 4937YOL073C   322   YOL073C YOL073C SGDID:S000005434, Chr XV from 194800-193832, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function"   
Ortho button 4938YOL075C   1294   YOL075C YOL075C SGDID:S000005435, Chr XV from 193542-189658, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative ABC transporter"   
Ortho button 4939YOL076W   796   YOL076W MDM20 SGDID:S000005436, Chr XV from 187024-189414, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Non-catalytic subunit of the NatB N-terminal acetyltransferase, which catalyzes N-acetylation of proteins with specific N-terminal sequences; involved in mitochondrial inheritance and actin assembly"   
Ortho button 4940YOL077C   291   YOL077C BRX1 SGDID:S000005437, Chr XV from 186723-185848, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Nucleolar protein, constituent of 66S pre-ribosomal particles; depletion leads to defects in rRNA processing and a block in the assembly of large ribosomal subunits; possesses a sigma(70)-like RNA-binding motif"   
Ortho button 4941YOL077W-A   68   YOL077W-A ATP19 SGDID:S000007339, Chr XV from 185438-185644, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Subunit k of the mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase, which is a large enzyme complex required for ATP synthesis; associated only with the dimeric form of ATP synthase"   
Ortho button 4942YOL078W   1176   YOL078W AVO1 SGDID:S000005438, Chr XV from 181682-185212, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Component of a membrane-bound complex containing the Tor2p kinase and other proteins, which may have a role in regulation of cell growth"   
Ortho button 4943YOL080C   289   YOL080C REX4 SGDID:S000005440, Chr XV from 181427-180558, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Putative RNA exonuclease possibly involved in pre-rRNA processing and ribosome assembly"   
Ortho button 4944YOL081W   3079   YOL081W IRA2 SGDID:S000005441, Chr XV from 171070-180309, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "GTPase-activating protein that negatively regulates RAS by converting it from the GTP- to the GDP-bound inactive form, required for reducing cAMP levels under nutrient limiting conditions, has similarity to Ira1p and human neurofibromin"   
Ortho button 4945YOL082W   415   YOL082W ATG19 SGDID:S000005442, Chr XV from 168727-169974, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Receptor protein specific for the cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway; delivers cargo proteins aminopeptidase I (Lap4p) and alpha-mannosidase (Ams1p) to the phagophore assembly site for packaging into Cvt vesicles"   
Ortho button 4946YOL083W   412   YOL083W ATG34 SGDID:S000005443, Chr XV from 165714-166952, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Receptor protein involved in selective autophagy during starvation; specifically involved in the transport of cargo protein alpha-mannosidase (Ams1p); Atg19p paralog"   
Ortho button 4947YOL084W   991   YOL084W PHM7 SGDID:S000005444, Chr XV from 162356-165331, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Protein of unknown function, expression is regulated by phosphate levels; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cell periphery and vacuole"   
Ortho button 4948YOL086C   348   YOL086C ADH1 SGDID:S000005446, Chr XV from 160594-159548, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Alcohol dehydrogenase, fermentative isozyme active as homo- or heterotetramers; required for the reduction of acetaldehyde to ethanol, the last step in the glycolytic pathway"   
Ortho button 4949YOL086W-A   90   YOL086W-A YOL086W-A SGDID:S000007626, Chr XV from 159173-159445, Genome Release 64-1-1, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function; mutant in a srs2 mutant background displays MMS hypersensitivity; ortholog of human MHF1, a component of the Fanconi anemia (FA) complex that is involved in maintaining genome stability"   
Ortho button 4950YOL087C   1116   YOL087C YOL087C SGDID:S000005447, Chr XV from 158637-155287, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm; deletion mutant is sensitive to various chemicals including phenanthroline, sanguinarine, and nordihydroguaiaretic acid"   
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