Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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Genome Summary: Searched sequences
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C
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1LocusLengthLocus description
Ortho button 4681YNL224C   767   YNL224C SQS1 SGDID:S000005168, Chr XIV from 227099-224796, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Stimulates the ATPase and helicase activities of Prp43p; acts with Prp43p to stimulate 18s rRNA maturation by Nob1p; overexpression antagonizes the suppression of splicing defects by spp382 mutants; component of pre-ribosomal particles"   
Ortho button 4682YNL225C   581   YNL225C CNM67 SGDID:S000005169, Chr XIV from 224469-222724, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Component of the spindle pole body outer plaque; required for spindle orientation and mitotic nuclear migration"   
Ortho button 4683YNL227C   590   YNL227C JJJ1 SGDID:S000005171, Chr XIV from 222431-220659, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Co-chaperone that stimulates the ATPase activity of Ssa1p, required for a late step of ribosome biogenesis; associated with the cytosolic large ribosomal subunit; contains a J-domain; mutation causes defects in fluid-phase endocytosis"   
Ortho button 4684YNL229C   354   YNL229C URE2 SGDID:S000005173, Chr XIV from 220201-219137, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Nitrogen catabolite repression transcriptional regulator that acts by inhibition of GLN3 transcription in good nitrogen source; has glutathione peroxidase activity and can mutate to acquire GST activity; altered form creates [URE3] prion"   
Ortho button 4685YNL230C   379   YNL230C ELA1 SGDID:S000005174, Chr XIV from 218662-217523, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Elongin A; F-box protein that forms a heterodimer with Elc1p and is required for ubiquitin-dependent degradation of the RNA Polymerase II subunit Rpo21p; subunit of the Elongin-Cullin-Socs (ECS) ligase complex"   
Ortho button 4686YNL231C   351   YNL231C PDR16 SGDID:S000005175, Chr XIV from 217042-215987, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein (PITP) controlled by the multiple drug resistance regulator Pdr1p, localizes to lipid particles and microsomes, controls levels of various lipids, may regulate lipid synthesis, homologous to Pdr17p"   
Ortho button 4687YNL232W   292   YNL232W CSL4 SGDID:S000005176, Chr XIV from 214923-215801, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Exosome non-catalytic core component; involved in 3'-5' RNA processing and degradation in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm; predicted to contain an S1 RNA binding domain; has similarity to human hCsl4p (EXOSC1)"   
Ortho button 4688YNL233W   892   YNL233W BNI4 SGDID:S000005177, Chr XIV from 211922-214600, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Targeting subunit for Glc7p protein phosphatase, localized to the bud neck, required for localization of chitin synthase III to the bud neck via interaction with the chitin synthase III regulatory subunit Skt5p"   
Ortho button 4689YNL234W   426   YNL234W YNL234W SGDID:S000005178, Chr XIV from 210233-211513, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Protein of unknown function with similarity to globins; has a functional heme-binding domain; mutant has aneuploidy tolerance; transcription induced by stress conditions; may be involved in glucose signaling or metabolism; regulated by Rgt1"   
Ortho button 4690YNL236W   974   YNL236W SIN4 SGDID:S000005180, Chr XIV from 206930-209854, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Subunit of the RNA polymerase II mediator complex; associates with core polymerase subunits to form the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme; contributes to both postive and negative transcriptional regulation; dispensible for basal transcription"   
Ortho button 4691YNL237W   459   YNL237W YTP1 SGDID:S000005181, Chr XIV from 205188-206567, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Probable type-III integral membrane protein of unknown function, has regions of similarity to mitochondrial electron transport proteins"   
Ortho button 4692YNL238W   814   YNL238W KEX2 SGDID:S000005182, Chr XIV from 202428-204872, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Subtilisin-like protease (proprotein convertase), a calcium-dependent serine protease involved in the activation of proproteins of the secretory pathway"   
Ortho button 4693YNL239W   454   YNL239W LAP3 SGDID:S000005183, Chr XIV from 200569-201933, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Cysteine aminopeptidase with homocysteine-thiolactonase activity; protects cells against homocysteine toxicity; has bleomycin hydrolase activity in vitro; transcription is regulated by galactose via Gal4p; orthologous to human BLMH"   
Ortho button 4694YNL240C   491   YNL240C NAR1 SGDID:S000005184, Chr XIV from 199977-198502, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Component of the cytosolic iron-sulfur (FeS) protein assembly machinery, required for maturation of cytosolic and nuclear FeS proteins and for normal resistance to oxidative stress; homologous to human Narf"   
Ortho button 4695YNL241C   505   YNL241C ZWF1 SGDID:S000005185, Chr XIV from 197943-196426, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), catalyzes the first step of the pentose phosphate pathway; involved in adapting to oxidatve stress; homolog of the human G6PD which is deficient in patients with hemolytic anemia"   
Ortho button 4696YNL242W   1592   YNL242W ATG2 SGDID:S000005186, Chr XIV from 191324-196102, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Peripheral membrane protein required for vesicle formation during autophagy, pexophagy, and the cytoplasm-to-vaucole targeting (Cvt) pathway; involved in Atg9p cycling between the phagophore assembly site and mitochondria"   
Ortho button 4697YNL243W   968   YNL243W SLA2 SGDID:S000005187, Chr XIV from 188051-190957, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Transmembrane actin-binding protein involved in membrane cytoskeleton assembly and cell polarization; adaptor protein that links actin to clathrin and endocytosis; present in the actin cortical patch of the emerging bud tip; dimer in vivo"   
Ortho button 4698YNL244C   108   YNL244C SUI1 SGDID:S000005188, Chr XIV from 187496-187170, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Translation initiation factor eIF1; component of a complex involved in recognition of the initiator codon; modulates translation accuracy at the initiation phase"   
Ortho button 4699YNL245C   179   YNL245C CWC25 SGDID:S000005189, Chr XIV from 186885-186346, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Splicing factor required for the first step of pre-mRNA splicing; binding to the spliceosome requires Prp2p and Yju2p; heat-stable protein; has similarity to S. pombe Cwf25p"   
Ortho button 4700YNL246W   264   YNL246W VPS75 SGDID:S000005190, Chr XIV from 185460-185491,185587-186349, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "NAP family histone chaperone; binds to histones and Rtt109p, stimulating histone acetyltransferase activity; possesses nucleosome assembly activity in vitro; proposed role in vacuolar protein sorting and in double-strand break repair"   
Ortho button 4701YNL247W   767   YNL247W YNL247W SGDID:S000005191, Chr XIV from 182875-185178, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase; may interact with ribosomes, based on co-purification experiments"   
Ortho button 4702YNL248C   415   YNL248C RPA49 SGDID:S000005192, Chr XIV from 182608-181361, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "RNA polymerase I subunit A49"   
Ortho button 4703YNL249C   542   YNL249C MPA43 SGDID:S000005193, Chr XIV from 181022-179394, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function; the authentic, non-tagged protein is detected in highly purified mitochondria in high-throughput studies"   
Ortho button 4704YNL250W   1312   YNL250W RAD50 SGDID:S000005194, Chr XIV from 175410-179348, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Subunit of MRX complex, with Mre11p and Xrs2p, involved in processing double-strand DNA breaks in vegetative cells, initiation of meiotic DSBs, telomere maintenance, and nonhomologous end joining"   
Ortho button 4705YNL251C   575   YNL251C NRD1 SGDID:S000005195, Chr XIV from 174315-172588, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "RNA-binding protein, subunit of Nrd1 complex (Nrd1p-Nab3p-Sen1p); complex mediates termination of snoRNAs and cryptic unstable transcripts (CUTs); interacts with the C-terminal domain of the RNA polymerase II large subunit (Rpo21p), preferentially at phosphorylated Ser5; H3K4 trimethylation of transcribed regions by Set1p enhances recruitment of Nrd1p to those sites; required for 3' end maturation of nonpolyadenylated RNAs"   
Ortho button 4706YNL252C   281   YNL252C MRPL17 SGDID:S000005196, Chr XIV from 172286-171441, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Mitochondrial ribosomal protein of the large subunit"   
Ortho button 4707YNL253W   422   YNL253W TEX1 SGDID:S000005197, Chr XIV from 170018-171286, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Protein involved in mRNA export, component of the transcription export (TREX) complex"   
Ortho button 4708YNL254C   401   YNL254C RTC4 SGDID:S000005198, Chr XIV from 169248-168043, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Protein of unknown function; null mutation suppresses cdc13-1 temperature sensitivity; (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to both the cytoplasm and the nucleus"   
Ortho button 4709YNL255C   153   YNL255C GIS2 SGDID:S000005199, Chr XIV from 167790-167329, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Translational activator for mRNAs with internal ribosome entry sites; associates with polysomes and binds to a specific subset of mRNAs; ortholog of human ZNF9/CNBP, a gene involved in myotonic dystrophy type 2"   
Ortho button 4710YNL256W   824   YNL256W FOL1 SGDID:S000005200, Chr XIV from 164623-167097, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Multifunctional enzyme of the folic acid biosynthesis pathway, has dihydropteroate synthetase, dihydro-6-hydroxymethylpterin pyrophosphokinase, and dihydroneopterin aldolase activities"   
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