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University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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Genome Summary: Searched sequences
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C
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1LocusLengthLocus description
Ortho button 4441YMR295C   197   YMR295C YMR295C SGDID:S000004910, Chr XIII from 858890-858297, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Protein of unknown function that associates with ribosomes; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cell periphery and bud; YMR295C is not an essential gene"   
Ortho button 4442YMR296C   558   YMR296C LCB1 SGDID:S000004911, Chr XIII from 860891-859215, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Component of serine palmitoyltransferase, responsible along with Lcb2p for the first committed step in sphingolipid synthesis, which is the condensation of serine with palmitoyl-CoA to form 3-ketosphinganine"   
Ortho button 4443YMR297W   532   YMR297W PRC1 SGDID:S000004912, Chr XIII from 861922-863520, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y (proteinase C; CPY), broad-specificity C-terminal exopeptidase involved in non-specific protein degradation in the vacuole; member of the serine carboxypeptidase family"   
Ortho button 4444YMR298W   150   YMR298W LIP1 SGDID:S000004913, Chr XIII from 863819-864271, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Ceramide synthase subunit; single-span ER membrane protein associated with Lag1p and Lac1p and required for ceramide synthase activity, null mutant grows extremely slowly and is defective in ceramide synthesis"   
Ortho button 4445YMR299C   312   YMR299C DYN3 SGDID:S000004914, Chr XIII from 865350-864412, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Dynein light intermediate chain (LIC); localizes with dynein, null mutant is defective in nuclear migration"   
Ortho button 4446YMR300C   510   YMR300C ADE4 SGDID:S000004915, Chr XIII from 867091-865559, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate amidotransferase (PRPPAT; amidophosphoribosyltransferase), catalyzes first step of the 'de novo' purine nucleotide biosynthetic pathway"   
Ortho button 4447YMR301C   690   YMR301C ATM1 SGDID:S000004916, Chr XIII from 869627-867555, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Mitochondrial inner membrane ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, exports mitochondrially synthesized precursors of iron-sulfur (Fe/S) clusters to the cytosol"   
Ortho button 4448YMR302C   850   YMR302C YME2 SGDID:S000004917, Chr XIII from 872625-870073, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Integral inner mitochondrial membrane protein with a role in maintaining mitochondrial nucleoid structure and number; mutants exhibit an increased rate of mitochondrial DNA escape; shows some sequence similarity to exonucleases"   
Ortho button 4449YMR303C   348   YMR303C ADH2 SGDID:S000004918, Chr XIII from 874337-873291, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Glucose-repressible alcohol dehydrogenase II, catalyzes the conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde; involved in the production of certain carboxylate esters; regulated by ADR1"   
Ortho button 4450YMR304W   1230   YMR304W UBP15 SGDID:S000004920, Chr XIII from 874987-878679, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Ubiquitin-specific protease involved in protein deubiquitination; catalytic activity regulated by an N-terminal TRAF-like domain and and C-terminal sequences; physically interacts with anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) activator, Cdh1p"   
Ortho button 4451YMR305C   389   YMR305C SCW10 SGDID:S000004921, Chr XIII from 880232-879063, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Cell wall protein with similarity to glucanases; may play a role in conjugation during mating based on mutant phenotype and its regulation by Ste12p"   
Ortho button 4452YMR306W   1785   YMR306W FKS3 SGDID:S000004923, Chr XIII from 881159-886516, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Protein involved in spore wall assembly, has similarity to 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase catalytic subunits Fks1p and Gsc2p; the authentic, non-tagged protein is detected in highly purified mitochondria in high-throughput studies"   
Ortho button 4453YMR307W   559   YMR307W GAS1 SGDID:S000004924, Chr XIII from 887003-888682, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Beta-1,3-glucanosyltransferase, required for cell wall assembly and also has a role in transcriptional silencing; localizes to the cell surface via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor; also found at the nuclear periphery"   
Ortho button 4454YMR308C   1089   YMR308C PSE1 SGDID:S000004925, Chr XIII from 892221-888952, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Karyopherin/importin that interacts with the nuclear pore complex; acts as the nuclear import receptor for specific proteins, including Pdr1p, Yap1p, Ste12p, and Aft1p"   
Ortho button 4455YMR309C   812   YMR309C NIP1 SGDID:S000004926, Chr XIII from 895426-892988, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "eIF3c subunit of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3), involved in the assembly of preinitiation complex and start codon selection"   
Ortho button 4456YMR310C   317   YMR310C YMR310C SGDID:S000004927, Chr XIII from 896669-895716, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function; predicted to be involved in ribosome biogenesis; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the nucleus; YMR310C is not an essential gene"   
Ortho button 4457YMR311C   229   YMR311C GLC8 SGDID:S000004928, Chr XIII from 897603-896914, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (Glc7p), involved in glycogen metabolism and chromosome segregation; proposed to regulate Glc7p activity via conformational alteration; ortholog of the mammalian protein phosphatase inhibitor 2"   
Ortho button 4458YMR312W   273   YMR312W ELP6 SGDID:S000004929, Chr XIII from 898405-899226, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Subunit of Elongator complex, which is required for modification of wobble nucleosides in tRNA; required for Elongator structural integrity"   
Ortho button 4459YMR313C   642   YMR313C TGL3 SGDID:S000004930, Chr XIII from 901307-899379, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Bifunctional enzyme with triacylglycerol lipase and lysophosphatidylethanolamine acyltransferase activity; responsible for all the triacylglycerol lipase activity of the lipid particle; required with Tgl4p for timely bud formation"   
Ortho button 4460YMR314W   234   YMR314W PRE5 SGDID:S000004931, Chr XIII from 901709-902413, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Alpha 6 subunit of the 20S proteasome"   
Ortho button 4461YMR315W   349   YMR315W YMR315W SGDID:S000004932, Chr XIII from 902800-903849, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Protein with NADP(H) oxidoreductase activity; transcription is regulated by Stb5p in response to NADPH depletion induced by diamide; promoter contains a putative Stb5p binding site"   
Ortho button 4462YMR315W-A   35   YMR315W-A YMR315W-A SGDID:S000028697, Chr XIII from 904286-904393, Genome Release 64-1-1, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function"   
Ortho button 4463YMR316W   336   YMR316W DIA1 SGDID:S000004935, Chr XIII from 904825-905835, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Protein of unknown function, involved in invasive and pseudohyphal growth; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm in a punctate pattern"   
Ortho button 4464YMR317W   1140   YMR317W YMR317W SGDID:S000004936, Chr XIII from 907364-910786, Genome Release 64-1-1, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function with some similarity to sialidase from Trypanosoma; YMR317W is not an essential gene"   
Ortho button 4465YMR318C   360   YMR318C ADH6 SGDID:S000004937, Chr XIII from 912143-911061, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "NADPH-dependent medium chain alcohol dehydrogenase with broad substrate specificity; member of the cinnamyl family of alcohol dehydrogenases; may be involved in fusel alcohol synthesis or in aldehyde tolerance"   
Ortho button 4466YMR319C   552   YMR319C FET4 SGDID:S000004938, Chr XIII from 914538-912880, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Low-affinity Fe(II) transporter of the plasma membrane"   
Ortho button 4467YMR321C   105   YMR321C YMR321C SGDID:S000004940, Chr XIII from 917896-917579, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function; proposed to be a palmitoylated membrane protein"   
Ortho button 4468YMR322C   237   YMR322C SNO4 SGDID:S000004941, Chr XIII from 919079-918366, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Uncharacterized ORF, "Possible chaperone and cysteine protease, similar to bacterial Hsp31 and yeast Hsp31p, Hsp32p, and Hsp33p; DJ-1/ThiJ/PfpI superfamily member; predicted involvement in pyridoxine metabolism; induced by mild heat stress and copper deprivation"   
Ortho button 4469YMR323W   437   YMR323W ERR3 SGDID:S000004942, Chr XIII from 920088-921401, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Protein of unknown function, has similarity to enolases"   
Ortho button 4470YMR325W   124   YMR325W PAU19 SGDID:S000004944, Chr XIII from 922641-923015, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Protein of unknown function, member of the seripauperin multigene family encoded mainly in subtelomeric regions"   
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