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University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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Genome Summary: Searched sequences
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C
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1LocusLengthLocus description
Ortho button 3961YLR413W   675   YLR413W YLR413W SGDID:S000004405, Chr XII from 951156-953183, Genome Release 64-1-1, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function; YLR413W is not an essential gene"   
Ortho button 3962YLR414C   263   YLR414C PUN1 SGDID:S000004406, Chr XII from 954144-953353, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Plasma membrane protein with a role in cell wall integrity; co-localizes with Sur7p in punctate membrane patches; null mutant displays decreased thermotolerance; transcription induced upon cell wall damage and metal ion stress"   
Ortho button 3963YLR415C   112   YLR415C YLR415C SGDID:S000004407, Chr XII from 954597-954259, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function; YLR415C is not an essential gene"   
Ortho button 3964YLR417W   566   YLR417W VPS36 SGDID:S000004409, Chr XII from 955010-956710, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Component of the ESCRT-II complex; contains the GLUE (GRAM Like Ubiquitin binding in EAP45) domain which is involved in interactions with ESCRT-I and ubiquitin-dependent sorting of proteins into the endosome"   
Ortho button 3965YLR418C   393   YLR418C CDC73 SGDID:S000004410, Chr XII from 958095-956914, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Component of the Paf1p complex; binds to and modulates the activity of RNA polymerases I and II; required for expression of certain genes, modification of some histones, and telomere maintenance; involved in transcription elongation as demonstrated by the G-less-based run-on (GLRO) assay"   
Ortho button 3966YLR419W   1435   YLR419W YLR419W SGDID:S000004411, Chr XII from 958428-962735, Genome Release 64-1-1, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative helicase with limited sequence similarity to human Rb protein; the authentic, non-tagged protein is detected in highly purified mitochondria in high-throughput studies; YLR419W is not an essential gene"   
Ortho button 3967YLR420W   364   YLR420W URA4 SGDID:S000004412, Chr XII from 963785-964879, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Dihydroorotase, catalyzes the third enzymatic step in the de novo biosynthesis of pyrimidines, converting carbamoyl-L-aspartate into dihydroorotate"   
Ortho button 3968YLR421C   156   YLR421C RPN13 SGDID:S000004413, Chr XII from 965560-965090, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Subunit of the 19S regulatory particle of the 26S proteasome lid; acts as a ubiquitin receptor for the proteasome; null mutants accumulate ubiquitinated Gcn4p and display decreased 26S proteasome stability"   
Ortho button 3969YLR422W   1932   YLR422W YLR422W SGDID:S000004414, Chr XII from 965897-971695, Genome Release 64-1-1, Uncharacterized ORF, "Protein of unknown function with similarity to human DOCK proteins (guanine nucleotide exchange factors); interacts with Ino4p; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm, YLR422W is not an essential protein"   
Ortho button 3970YLR423C   417   YLR423C ATG17 SGDID:S000004415, Chr XII from 973170-971917, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Scaffold protein responsible for phagophore assembly site organization; regulatory subunit of an autophagy-specific complex that includes Atg1p and Atg13p; stimulates Atg1p kinase activity; human ortholog RB1CC1/FIP200 interacts with p53, which inhibits autophagy in human cells"   
Ortho button 3971YLR424W   708   YLR424W SPP382 SGDID:S000004416, Chr XII from 973395-975521, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Essential protein that forms a dimer with Ntr2p; also forms a trimer, with Ntr2p and Prp43p, that is involved in spliceosome disassembly; found also in a multisubunit complex with the splicing factor Clf1p; suppressor of prp38-1 mutation"   
Ortho button 3972YLR425W   1307   YLR425W TUS1 SGDID:S000004417, Chr XII from 982894-986817, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that functions to modulate Rho1p activity as part of the cell integrity signaling pathway; multicopy suppressor of tor2 mutation and ypk1 ypk2 double mutation; potential Cdc28p substrate"   
Ortho button 3973YLR426W   326   YLR426W TDA5 SGDID:S000004418, Chr XII from 987062-987141,987213-988113, Genome Release 64-1-1, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function; detected in highly purified mitochondria in high-throughput studies; proposed to be involved in resistance to mechlorethamine and streptozotocin; null mutant sensitive to expression of top1-T722A allele"   
Ortho button 3974YLR427W   670   YLR427W MAG2 SGDID:S000004419, Chr XII from 988428-990440, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Cytoplasmic protein of unknown function; induced in response to mycotoxin patulin; ubiquitinated protein similar to the human ring finger motif protein RNF10; predicted to be involved in repair of alkylated DNA due to interaction with MAG1"   
Ortho button 3975YLR429W   651   YLR429W CRN1 SGDID:S000004421, Chr XII from 990777-992732, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Coronin, cortical actin cytoskeletal component that associates with the Arp2p/Arp3p complex to regulate its activity; plays a role in regulation of actin patch assembly"   
Ortho button 3976YLR430W   2231   YLR430W SEN1 SGDID:S000004422, Chr XII from 993434-1000129, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Presumed helicase required for RNA polymerase II transcription termination and processing of RNAs; homolog of Senataxin which causes Ataxia-Oculomotor Apraxia 2 and a dominant form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"   
Ortho button 3977YLR431C   453   YLR431C ATG23 SGDID:S000004423, Chr XII from 1001703-1000342, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Peripheral membrane protein required for the cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway and efficient macroautophagy; cycles between the phagophore assembly site (PAS) and non-PAS locations; forms a complex with Atg9p and Atg27p"   
Ortho button 3978YLR432W   523   YLR432W IMD3 SGDID:S000004424, Chr XII from 1002557-1004128, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase, catalyzes the first step of GMP biosynthesis, member of a four-gene family in S. cerevisiae, constitutively expressed"   
Ortho button 3979YLR433C   553   YLR433C CNA1 SGDID:S000004425, Chr XII from 1006008-1004347, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Calcineurin A; one isoform (the other is CMP2) of the catalytic subunit of calcineurin, a Ca++/calmodulin-regulated protein phosphatase which regulates Crz1p (a stress-response transcription factor), the other calcineurin subunit is CNB1"   
Ortho button 3980YLR435W   205   YLR435W TSR2 SGDID:S000004427, Chr XII from 1006378-1006995, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Protein with a potential role in pre-rRNA processing"   
Ortho button 3981YLR436C   1274   YLR436C ECM30 SGDID:S000004428, Chr XII from 1011245-1007421, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function; may play a role in cell wall biosynthesis, mutants have abormal relative levels of mannose and glucose and have Gap1p sorting and transport defects; (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm"   
Ortho button 3982YLR437C   133   YLR437C DIF1 SGDID:S000004429, Chr XII from 1012023-1011622, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Protein that regulates the nuclear localization of ribonucleotide reductase Rnr2p and Rnr4p subunits; phosphorylated by Dun1p in response to DNA damage and degraded; N-terminal half has similarity to S. pombe Spd1 protein"   
Ortho button 3983YLR438C-A   89   YLR438C-A LSM3 SGDID:S000006434, Chr XII from 1014178-1013909, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Lsm (Like Sm) protein; part of heteroheptameric complexes (Lsm2p-7p and either Lsm1p or 8p): cytoplasmic Lsm1p complex involved in mRNA decay; nuclear Lsm8p complex part of U6 snRNP and possibly involved in processing tRNA, snoRNA, and rRNA"   
Ortho button 3984YLR438W   424   YLR438W CAR2 SGDID:S000004430, Chr XII from 1012501-1013775, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "L-ornithine transaminase (OTAse), catalyzes the second step of arginine degradation, expression is dually-regulated by allophanate induction and a specific arginine induction process; not nitrogen catabolite repression sensitive"   
Ortho button 3985YLR439W   319   YLR439W MRPL4 SGDID:S000004431, Chr XII from 1014491-1015450, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Mitochondrial ribosomal protein of the large subunit, homolog of prokaryotic L29 ribosomal protein; located at the ribosomal tunnel exit"   
Ortho button 3986YLR440C   709   YLR440C SEC39 SGDID:S000004432, Chr XII from 1017697-1015568, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Component of the Dsl1p tethering complex that interacts with ER SNAREs Sec20p and Use1p; proposed to be involved in protein secretion; localizes to the ER and nuclear envelope"   
Ortho button 3987YLR441C   255   YLR441C RPS1A SGDID:S000004433, Chr XII from 1018908-1018141, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Ribosomal protein 10 (rp10) of the small (40S) subunit; nearly identical to Rps1Bp and has similarity to rat S3a ribosomal protein"   
Ortho button 3988YLR442C   978   YLR442C SIR3 SGDID:S000004434, Chr XII from 1022251-1019315, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Silencing protein that interacts with Sir2p and Sir4p, and histone H3 and H4 tails, to establish a transcriptionally silent chromatin state; required for spreading of silenced chromatin; recruited to chromatin through interaction with Rap1p"   
Ortho button 3989YLR443W   448   YLR443W ECM7 SGDID:S000004435, Chr XII from 1022625-1023971, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Non-essential putative integral membrane protein with a role in calcium uptake; mutant has cell wall defects and Ca+ uptake deficiencies; transcription is induced under conditions of zinc deficiency"   
Ortho button 3990YLR445W   188   YLR445W YLR445W SGDID:S000004437, Chr XII from 1024189-1024572,1024655-1024837, Genome Release 64-1-1, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function; transcription is regulated by Ume6p and induced in response to alpha factor"   
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