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University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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Genome Summary: Searched sequences
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C
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1LocusLengthLocus description
Ortho button 3481YKR086W   1071   YKR086W PRP16 SGDID:S000001794, Chr XI from 599857-603072, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "DEAH-box RNA helicase involved in second catalytic step of splicing; exhibits ATP-dependent RNA unwinding activity; mediates the release of Yju2p and Cwc25p in the second step; in the absence of ATP, stabilizes the binding of Cwc25p to the spliceosome in the first catalytic step"   
Ortho button 3482YKR087C   345   YKR087C OMA1 SGDID:S000001795, Chr XI from 604232-603195, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Metalloendopeptidase of the mitochondrial inner membrane, involved in turnover of membrane-embedded proteins; member of a family of predicted membrane-bound metallopeptidases in prokaryotes and higher eukaryotes"   
Ortho button 3483YKR088C   337   YKR088C TVP38 SGDID:S000001796, Chr XI from 605418-604405, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Integral membrane protein localized to late Golgi vesicles along with the v-SNARE Tlg2p; required for asymmetric localization of Kar9p during mitosis; GFP-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm in a punctate pattern"   
Ortho button 3484YKR089C   910   YKR089C TGL4 SGDID:S000001797, Chr XI from 608365-605633, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Multifunctional triacylglycerol lipase, steryl ester hydrolase, and Ca2+-independent phospholipase A2; catalyzes acyl-CoA dependent acylation of LPA to PA; required with Tgl3p for timely bud formation; phosphorylated and activated by Cdc28p"   
Ortho button 3485YKR090W   706   YKR090W PXL1 SGDID:S000001798, Chr XI from 608946-611066, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "LIM domain-containing protein that localizes to sites of polarized growth, required for selection and/or maintenance of polarized growth sites, may modulate signaling by the GTPases Cdc42p and Rho1p; has similarity to metazoan paxillin"   
Ortho button 3486YKR091W   246   YKR091W SRL3 SGDID:S000001799, Chr XI from 611525-612265, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Cytoplasmic protein that, when overexpressed, suppresses the lethality of a rad53 null mutation; potential Cdc28p substrate"   
Ortho button 3487YKR092C   406   YKR092C SRP40 SGDID:S000001800, Chr XI from 613885-612665, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Nucleolar, serine-rich protein with a role in preribosome assembly or transport; may function as a chaperone of small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein particles (snoRNPs); immunologically and structurally to rat Nopp140"   
Ortho button 3488YKR093W   601   YKR093W PTR2 SGDID:S000001801, Chr XI from 615730-617535, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Integral membrane peptide transporter, mediates transport of di- and tri-peptides; conserved protein that contains 12 transmembrane domains; PTR2 expression is regulated by the N-end rule pathway via repression by Cup9p"   
Ortho button 3489YKR094C   128   YKR094C RPL40B SGDID:S000001802, Chr XI from 618374-617996,618750-618743, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Fusion protein, identical to Rpl40Ap, that is cleaved to yield ubiquitin and a ribosomal protein of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit with similarity to rat L40; ubiquitin may facilitate assembly of the ribosomal protein into ribosomes"   
Ortho button 3490YKR095W   1875   YKR095W MLP1 SGDID:S000001803, Chr XI from 619805-625432, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Myosin-like protein associated with the nuclear envelope, connects the nuclear pore complex with the nuclear interior; involved with Tel1p in telomere length control; involved with Pml1p and Pml39p in nuclear retention of unspliced mRNAs"   
Ortho button 3491YKR095W-A   88   YKR095W-A PCC1 SGDID:S000028512, Chr XI from 625864-625901,625977-626205, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Component of the EKC/KEOPS protein complex with Kae1p, Gon7p, Bud32p, and Cgi121p; EKC/KEOPS complex is required for t6A tRNA modification and may have roles in telomere maintenance and transcription"   
Ortho button 3492YKR096W   1195   YKR096W YKR096W SGDID:S000001804, Chr XI from 626793-630380, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Protein of unknown function that may interact with ribosomes, based on co-purification experiments; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the nucleus and cytoplasm; predicted to contain a PINc domain"   
Ortho button 3493YKR097W   549   YKR097W PCK1 SGDID:S000001805, Chr XI from 631152-632801, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, key enzyme in gluconeogenesis, catalyzes early reaction in carbohydrate biosynthesis, glucose represses transcription and accelerates mRNA degradation, regulated by Mcm1p and Cat8p, located in the cytosol"   
Ortho button 3494YKR098C   717   YKR098C UBP11 SGDID:S000001806, Chr XI from 635179-633026, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Ubiquitin-specific protease that cleaves ubiquitin from ubiquitinated proteins"   
Ortho button 3495YKR099W   811   YKR099W BAS1 SGDID:S000001807, Chr XI from 635851-638286, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Myb-related transcription factor involved in regulating basal and induced expression of genes of the purine and histidine biosynthesis pathways; also involved in regulation of meiotic recombination at specific genes"   
Ortho button 3496YKR100C   355   YKR100C SKG1 SGDID:S000001808, Chr XI from 639968-638901, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Transmembrane protein with a role in cell wall polymer composition; localizes on the inner surface of the plasma membrane at the bud and in the daughter cell"   
Ortho button 3497YKR101W   654   YKR101W SIR1 SGDID:S000001809, Chr XI from 640540-642504, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Protein involved in repression of transcription at the silent mating-type loci HML and HMR; recruitment to silent chromatin requires interactions with Orc1p and with Sir4p, through a common Sir1p domain; binds to centromeric chromatin"   
Ortho button 3498YKR102W   1169   YKR102W FLO10 SGDID:S000001810, Chr XI from 646356-649865, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Lectin-like protein with similarity to Flo1p, thought to be involved in flocculation"   
Ortho button 3499YKR103W   1218   YKR103W NFT1 SGDID:S000001811, Chr XI from 653080-656736, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Putative transporter of the multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) subfamily; adjacent ORFs YKR103W and YKR104W are merged in different strain backgrounds."   
Ortho button 3500YKR104W   306   YKR104W YKR104W SGDID:S000001812, Chr XI from 656836-657756, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Putative transporter of the multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) subfamily; contains a stop codon in S288C; adjacent ORFs YKR103W and YKR104W are merged in different strain backgrounds"   
Ortho button 3501YKR105C   582   YKR105C VBA5 SGDID:S000001813, Chr XI from 660464-658716, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative transporter of the Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS); proposed role as a basic amino acid permease based on phylogeny"   
Ortho button 3502YKR106W   615   YKR106W GEX2 SGDID:S000001814, Chr XI from 661442-663289, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Proton:glutathione antiporter localized to the vacuolar and plasma membranes; expressed at a very low level; almost identical to paralog Gex1p; potential role in resistance to oxidative stress and modulation of the PKA pathway"   
Ortho button 3503YLL001W   757   YLL001W DNM1 SGDID:S000003924, Chr XII from 147890-150163, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Dynamin-related GTPase required for mitochondrial fission and morphology; assembles on the cytoplasmic face of mitochondrial tubules at sites at which division will occur; also participates in endocytosis and regulating peroxisome abundance"   
Ortho button 3504YLL002W   436   YLL002W RTT109 SGDID:S000003925, Chr XII from 146291-147601, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Histone acetyltransferase critical for cell survival in the presence of DNA damage during S phase; acetylates H3-K56 and H3-K9; involved in non-homologous end joining and in regulation of Ty1 transposition; interacts physically with Vps75p"   
Ortho button 3505YLL003W   946   YLL003W SFI1 SGDID:S000003926, Chr XII from 143201-146041, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Centrin (Cdc31p)-binding protein required for spindle pole body (SPB) duplication, localizes to the half-bridge of the SPB, required for progression through G(2)-M transition, has similarity to Xenopus laevis XCAP-C"   
Ortho button 3506YLL004W   616   YLL004W ORC3 SGDID:S000003927, Chr XII from 141073-142923, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "Subunit of the origin recognition complex, which directs DNA replication by binding to replication origins and is also involved in transcriptional silencing"   
Ortho button 3507YLL005C   868   YLL005C SPO75 SGDID:S000003928, Chr XII from 140546-137940, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Verified ORF, "Meiosis-specific protein of unknown function, required for spore wall formation during sporulation; dispensable for both nuclear divisions during meiosis"   
Ortho button 3508YLL006W   426   YLL006W MMM1 SGDID:S000003929, Chr XII from 136586-137866, Genome Release 64-1-1, Verified ORF, "ER integral membrane protein, component of the ERMES complex that links the ER to mitochondria and may promote inter-organellar calcium and phospholipid exchange as well as coordinating mitochondrial DNA replication and growth"   
Ortho button 3509YLL006W-A   58   YLL006W-A YLL006W-A SGDID:S000028560, Chr XII from 136345-136521, Genome Release 64-1-1, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function; identified by fungal homology and RT-PCR"   
Ortho button 3510YLL007C   665   YLL007C YLL007C SGDID:S000003930, Chr XII from 136299-134302, Genome Release 64-1-1, reverse complement, Uncharacterized ORF, "Putative protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm; YLL007C is not an essential gene"   
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