Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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UniProt_SwissProt BLAST: Single locus
Saccharomyces cereviecea RM11-1a
Number of sequences:
phenylacrylic acid decarboxylase
rec.SubjectHit LengthDescriptionAlign.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.GO associations
31O84222    192   PAAD_CHLTR Probable aromatic acid decarboxyla...1932e-33     125     37     57
GO:0016831; F:carboxy-lyase activity; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
32Q9ZJE3    187   PAAD_HELPJ Probable aromatic acid decarboxyla...1856e-33     123     38     58
GO:0016831; F:carboxy-lyase activity; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
33O26011    187   PAAD_HELPY Probable aromatic acid decarboxyla...1841e-32     122     36     58
GO:0016831; F:carboxy-lyase activity; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
34Q9KYP1    216   PAAD_STRCO Probable aromatic acid decarboxyla...1332e-25     104     37     59
GO:0016831; F:carboxy-lyase activity; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
35Q9PPF1    187   PAAD_CAMJE Probable aromatic acid decarboxyla...1213e-25     103     40     64
GO:0016831; F:carboxy-lyase activity; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
36P44953    400   COABC_HAEIN Coenzyme A biosynthesis bifunctio...1570.11     37     24     45
GO:0010181; F:FMN binding; IEA:InterPro.::GO:0004632; F:phosphopantothenate--cysteine ligase activity; IEA:EC.::GO:0004633; F:phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase activity; IEA:EC.
GO:0015937; P:coenzyme A biosynthetic process; IEA:InterPro.::GO:0015941; P:pantothenate catabolic process; IEA:InterPro.
37Q04810    200   DPAB_BACSU Dipicolinate synthase subunit B OS...971.8     32.7     24     46
GO:0016491; F:oxidoreductase activity; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
GO:0030435; P:sporulation resulting in formation of a cellular spore; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
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