Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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UniProt_SwissProt BLAST: Single locus
Neosartorya fischeri
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rec.SubjectHit LengthDescriptionAlign.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.GO associations
1Q9LAK5    236   RL1_CORGL 50S ribosomal protein L1 OS=LMG 373...670.91     35.4     31     51GO:0015934; C:large ribosomal subunit; IEA:InterPro.
GO:0019843; F:rRNA binding; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.::GO:0003735; F:structural constituent of ribosome; IEA:InterPro.::GO:0000049; F:tRNA binding; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
GO:0006417; P:regulation of translation; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.::GO:0006412; P:translation; IEA:InterPro.
2A4QBF1    236   RL1_CORGB 50S ribosomal protein L1 OS=Coryneb...670.91     35.4     31     51GO:0015934; C:large ribosomal subunit; IEA:InterPro.
GO:0019843; F:rRNA binding; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.::GO:0003735; F:structural constituent of ribosome; IEA:InterPro.::GO:0000049; F:tRNA binding; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
GO:0006417; P:regulation of translation; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.::GO:0006412; P:translation; IEA:InterPro.
3Q8FSA5    236   RL1_COREF 50S ribosomal protein L1 OS=11189 /...671.1     35.4     31     51GO:0015934; C:large ribosomal subunit; IEA:InterPro.
GO:0019843; F:rRNA binding; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.::GO:0003735; F:structural constituent of ribosome; IEA:InterPro.::GO:0000049; F:tRNA binding; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
GO:0006417; P:regulation of translation; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.::GO:0006412; P:translation; IEA:InterPro.
4P34280    366   YKK3_CAEEL Uncharacterized GTP-binding protei...384.3     33.9     42     58
GO:0005525; F:GTP binding; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
5C6BEJ1    319   RSMH_RALP1 Ribosomal RNA small subunit methyl...795.5     33.5     28     47GO:0005737; C:cytoplasm; IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell.
GO:0008168; F:methyltransferase activity; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
GO:0006364; P:rRNA processing; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
6B2UCY5    319   RSMH_RALPJ Ribosomal RNA small subunit methyl...796.3     33.1     28     46GO:0005737; C:cytoplasm; IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell.
GO:0008168; F:methyltransferase activity; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
GO:0006364; P:rRNA processing; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
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