Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Coccidiodis immitis RMSCC 2394
hypothetical protein
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
1XP_001242161.1    53    predicted protein [Coccidioides immitis RS]...F532e-26     100     100     100
2XP_002751167.1    25    PREDICTED: hypothetical protein LOC10040757...M240.13     34.7     79     88
3XP_002912673.1    25    PREDICTED: hypothetical protein LOC10046972...M250.23     34.3     72     84
4XP_002804534.1    25    PREDICTED: hypothetical protein LOC10042739...M250.26     33.9     76     92
5XP_002806080.1    25    PREDICTED: hypothetical protein LOC10042866...M250.52     33.1     76     92
6XP_002921521.1    25    PREDICTED: hypothetical protein LOC10047420...M251.4     32     72     88
7XP_002742759.1    25    PREDICTED: hypothetical protein LOC10040566...M251.4     32     72     88
8XP_002923954.1    25    PREDICTED: hypothetical protein LOC10048402...M251.5     31.6     72     88
9ABV22316.1    39    unknown [Karlodinium micrum][TAXONID:342587:...E254.5     30.4     64     84
10XP_673707.1    48    hypothetical protein [Plasmodium berghei st...E217     30     71     90
11ABI14365.1    26    unknown [Pfiesteria piscicida] gi unknown [P...E258.2     29.6     64     84
12XP_003218694.1    25    PREDICTED: hypothetical protein LOC10055390...M258.7     29.6     72     84
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