Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Botrytis cinerea B05.10
(T4) g10003
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
331AAH41262.1    212    MGC52825 protein [Xenopus laevis][TAXONID:83...M780.023     43.9     32     53
332CCF60101.1    485    hypothetical protein KAFR_0J00330 [Kazachst...F590.023     44.7     37     59
333XP_003464273.1    709    PREDICTED: FACT complex subunit SSRP1-like ...M970.024     45.1     30     47
334XP_003450179.1    200    PREDICTED: high mobility group-T protein-li...M870.024     43.9     29     51
335ADX06860.1    206    high mobility group protein B1 [Sciaenops o...M800.024     43.9     30     50
336GAA55457.1    723    structure-specific recognition protein 1 [C...M800.024     45.1     33     53
337EDL33824.1    207    mCG140646 [Mus musculus][TAXONID:10090:TAXDI...M840.024     43.9     31     50
338NP_988904.1    212    high mobility group box 2 [Xenopus (Siluran...M750.025     43.9     32     53
339CAM22342.1    623    structure specific recognition protein 1 [M...M970.026     44.7     30     48
340XP_001503141.1    215    PREDICTED: high mobility group protein B1-l...M840.026     43.9     32     49
341B2RPK0.1    211   HGB1A_HUMAN RecName: Full=Putative high mobi...M620.027     43.9     39     55
342AAP20177.1    200    high mobility group protein [Pagrus major][...M870.028     43.5     29     49
343AEM72512.1    147    MIP32366p1 [Drosophila melanogaster][TAXONID...M710.028     42.7     35     54
344AAH04848.1    633    Ssrp1 protein [Mus musculus][TAXONID:10090:T...M970.029     44.7     30     48
345XP_002979815.1    84    hypothetical protein SELMODRAFT_18312 [Sela...P640.029     42     38     58
346ADQ43367.1    206    HMGBb [Litopenaeus vannamei][TAXONID:6689:TA...M920.029     43.5     27     50
347EFX89813.1    190    hypothetical protein DAPPUDRAFT_232871 [Dap...M850.03     43.1     39     51
348Q9UGV6.1    211   HMGLX_HUMAN RecName: Full=Putative high mobi...M840.03     43.5     32     49
349AAA48819.1    207    high-mobility group-2 protein [Gallus gallu...M780.031     43.5     32     53
350NP_001094511.1    709    FACT complex subunit SSRP1 [Bos taurus] gi|...M920.031     44.7     30     49
351XP_003353912.1    709    PREDICTED: FACT complex subunit SSRP1 [Sus ...M920.031     44.7     30     49
352DAA21637.1    709    structure specific recognition protein 1 [B...M920.031     44.7     30     49
353XP_002006078.1    734    GI18750 [Drosophila mojavensis] gi|19391114...M760.031     44.7     36     55
354XP_003456528.1    196    PREDICTED: high mobility group protein B2-l...M550.031     43.1     36     60
355EHY65581.1    185    hypothetical protein NERG_01188 [Nematocida ...F900.031     43.1     24     52
356XP_003459296.1    200    PREDICTED: high mobility group protein B2-l...M870.032     43.5     25     54
357CAF93003.1    204    unnamed protein product [Tetraodon nigrovir...M820.032     43.5     26     55
358ACO10149.1    216    High mobility group protein B2 [Osmerus mor...M790.032     43.5     29     53
359BAJ86105.1    538    predicted protein [Hordeum vulgare subsp. v...M790.033     44.3     25     51
360EHH28927.1    263    hypothetical protein EGK_09214, partial [Ma...M620.033     43.9     40     56
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