Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Histoplasma capsulatum H143
conserved hypothetical protein
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
151XP_003048745.1    518    hypothetical protein NECHADRAFT_101281 [Nec...F2310.000000000000004     85.9     29     47
152XP_003655193.1    588    hypothetical protein THITE_130193 [Thielavi...F1640.000000000000005     85.9     35     48
153NP_986725.2    363    AGR060Wp [Ashbya gossypii ATCC 10895] gi|29...F900.000000000000006     84.3     43     64
154EHN03151.1    336    YDR124W-like protein [Saccharomyces cerevis...F1260.000000000000009     83.2     37     52
155XP_002558558.1    330    Pc13g01120 [Penicillium chrysogenum Wiscons...F830.00000000000006     80.9     47     67
156CCG22939.1    687    hypothetical protein CORT_0D00910 [Candida ...F1240.0000000000003     80.5     35     52
157XP_749830.1    215    conserved hypothetical protein [Aspergillus ...F1340.000000000001     75.1     35     56
158XP_461824.1    382    DEHA2G06380p [Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767]...F1090.000000000001     77.4     42     53
159CCE42439.1    695    hypothetical protein CPAR2_200820 [Candida ...F1140.000000000002     77.8     38     55
160XP_003348943.1    593    hypothetical protein SMAC_01964 [Sordaria m...F2070.000000000003     77.4     35     45
161CCE78934.1    417    Piso0_000969 [Millerozyma farinosa CBS 7064...F1470.000000000003     76.6     37     48
162XP_002488472.1    240    conserved hypothetical protein [Talaromyces...F1580.000000000003     74.3     33     51
163XP_001523450.1    646    hypothetical protein LELG_05296 [Lodderomyc...F800.000000000005     76.6     45     61
164XP_363747.2    646    hypothetical protein MGG_01673 [Magnaporthe...F3360.000000000006     76.3     24     39
165XP_002546390.1    423    predicted protein [Candida tropicalis MYA-3...F910.00000000001     74.3     38     59
166EGV61508.1    378    hypothetical protein CANTEDRAFT_135457 [Can...F900.00000000001     74.3     43     53
167XP_001219407.1    157    hypothetical protein CHGG_00186 [Chaetomium...F770.00000000002     71.2     42     61
168XP_002422456.1    426    conserved hypothetical protein [Candida dub...F970.00000000002     73.9     39     55
169XP_958008.2    355    hypothetical protein NCU09010 [Neurospora c...F2310.00000000003     73.2     33     44
170EGO58246.1    369    hypothetical protein NEUTE1DRAFT_82628 [Neu...F2070.00000000003     73.2     35     45
171EDK38777.2    351    hypothetical protein PGUG_02875 [Meyerozyma ...F1490.00000000004     72.8     33     47
172XP_719329.1    429    hypothetical protein CaO19.7567 [Candida al...F720.00000000005     72.8     43     63
173XP_001485146.1    351    hypothetical protein PGUG_02875 [Meyerozyma...F1490.00000000005     72.4     33     47
174EFZ03907.1    253    Ydr124wp-like protein [Metarhizium anisopli...F1580.000000006     64.7     28     48
175EGP85277.1    602    hypothetical protein MYCGRDRAFT_95304 [Myco...F1680.00002     55.5     28     48
176CBY01079.1    719    hypothetical protein LEMA_P022090.1 [Leptos...F1320.002     49.3     30     45
177EEQ92125.1    145    predicted protein [Ajellomyces dermatitidis ...F1170.018     43.5     26     46
178XP_001799578.1    787    hypothetical protein SNOG_09280 [Phaeosphae...F1220.033     45.4     25     46
179XP_002622550.1    142    predicted protein [Ajellomyces dermatitidis...F1170.073     42     25     45
180XP_001931384.1    608    hypothetical protein PTRG_01051 [Pyrenophor...F1460.12     43.5     29     43
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