Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Coccidiodis posadasii silveria
Coccidioides posadasii Silveira conserved hypothetical protein
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
31XP_002625414.1    711    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces...F2081e-79     277     69     76
32EGC44676.1    438    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F3809e-68     238     42     53
33EEH46382.1    336    conserved hypothetical protein [Paracoccidio...F2948e-63     221     44     59
34XP_003300961.1    627    hypothetical protein PTT_12347 [Pyrenophora...F1898e-58     215     59     74
35CBX94511.1    651    hypothetical protein LEMA_P120020.1 [Leptos...F2532e-57     215     49     63
36XP_001937602.1    623    conserved hypothetical protein [Pyrenophora...F2441e-55     209     52     63
37XP_001791464.1    535    hypothetical protein SNOG_00789 [Phaeosphae...F2312e-53     201     48     62
38EHY59442.1    378    hypothetical protein HMPREF1120_07432 [Exop...F1812e-49     186     52     67
39CCD54174.1    529    hypothetical protein [Botryotinia fuckelian...F1582e-41     166     52     68
40XP_001557013.1    529    hypothetical protein BC1G_04729 [Botryotini...F1582e-41     166     52     68
41XP_001591855.1    516    hypothetical protein SS1G_07301 [Sclerotini...F1717e-39     158     49     61
42EER39047.1    316    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F1357e-38     151     64     70
43EEH46381.1    324    predicted protein [Paracoccidioides brasili...F2312e-18     95.1     36     46
44EEH17527.1    268    predicted protein [Paracoccidioides brasili...F1430.0000000000007     77.4     41     51
45EGC44677.1    140    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F450.00000003     62     62     80
46XP_001542597.1    279    predicted protein [Ajellomyces capsulatus N...F450.000001     58.5     58     76
47XP_001542596.1    166    predicted protein [Ajellomyces capsulatus N...F1720.00003     53.1     27     44
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