Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Coccidiodis immitis RMSCC 2394
predicted protein
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
31XP_389023.1    103    hypothetical protein FG08847.1 [Gibberella ...F1043e-24     97.8     56     66
32EFZ01175.1    119    hypothetical protein MAA_03771 [Metarhizium ...F1184e-24     98.2     49     63
33XP_001909017.1    137    hypothetical protein [Podospora anserina S ...F1435e-24     98.6     43     50
34XP_003052754.1    112    hypothetical protein NECHADRAFT_78063 [Nect...F1115e-24     97.8     50     63
35XP_001829771.1    111    hypothetical protein CC1G_05980 [Coprinopsi...F943e-22     93.2     52     67
36XP_003029254.1    95    hypothetical protein SCHCODRAFT_111226 [Sch...F1061e-21     91.3     58     69
37XP_001223660.1    121    hypothetical protein CHGG_04446 [Chaetomium...F1101e-21     92     50     62
38XP_962141.2    226    hypothetical protein NCU07287 [Neurospora c...F1112e-21     93.6     50     66
39EGO59669.1    238    hypothetical protein NEUTE1DRAFT_94497 [Neu...F763e-21     93.2     59     76
40XP_002836803.1    67    hypothetical protein [Tuber melanosporum Me...F652e-20     87     65     78
41XP_003349931.1    391    hypothetical protein SMAC_00823 [Sordaria m...F763e-20     91.7     58     76
42XP_003033805.1    75    hypothetical protein SCHCODRAFT_53579 [Schi...F756e-20     86.3     59     71
43EGX49308.1    111    hypothetical protein AOL_s00078g341 [Arthro...F1101e-19     86.3     43     60
44XP_001829665.1    93    hypothetical protein CC1G_08820 [Coprinopsi...F902e-19     85.1     53     72
45EGS21643.1    135    hypothetical protein CTHT_0035080 [Chaetomi...F732e-18     83.6     55     73
46XP_003660285.1    129    hypothetical protein MYCTH_86146 [Mycelioph...F1149e-18     82     47     58
47XP_003652938.1    108    hypothetical protein THITE_2114794 [Thielav...F1062e-17     80.5     43     58
48CCA68977.1    142    related to DNA damage-responsive protein 48...F984e-16     77.8     45     55
49XP_001829773.1    124    hypothetical protein CC1G_05982 [Coprinopsi...F700.000000000000001     76.3     54     66
50XP_003437320.1    191    unnamed protein product [Podospora anserina...F720.000000000000006     75.5     53     63
51XP_002392492.1    85    hypothetical protein MPER_07923 [Moniliopht...F660.000000000000009     72.8     47     70
52CCA77729.1    326    hypothetical protein PIIN_02951 [Piriformos...F560.000000000001     70.1     59     79
53XP_001839000.1    91    hypothetical protein CC1G_11323 [Coprinopsi...F540.000000006     57.4     52     57
54XP_001839857.1    227    hypothetical protein CC1G_09191 [Coprinopsi...F580.0000001     55.1     53     67
55XP_002378690.1    78    conserved hypothetical protein [Aspergillus...F560.014     39.3     34     64
56XP_002143544.1    73    conserved hypothetical protein [Penicillium...F530.022     38.5     42     62
57XP_569524.1    69    hypothetical protein [Cryptococcus neoforma...F560.038     37.7     41     55
58GAA90217.1    86    similar to An09g01230 [Aspergillus kawachii...F830.039     38.1     33     55
59XP_003192743.1    81    hypothetical protein CGB_C3550W [Cryptococc...F680.042     37.7     31     51
60XP_001393441.1    86    hypothetical protein ANI_1_124084 [Aspergil...F540.071     37.4     39     65
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