Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Coccidiodis immitis RMSCC 2394
conserved hypothetical protein
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
1XP_001246585.1    479    hypothetical protein CIMG_00356 [Coccidioid...F3880     722     92     93
2XP_003066619.1    480    hypothetical protein CPC735_058440 [Coccidi...F3620     639     86     90
3EFW18419.1    458    conserved hypothetical protein [Coccidioides...F3320     633     92     95
4XP_002540906.1    406    predicted protein [Uncinocarpus reesii 1704...F2816e-121     367     63     78
5EEQ90858.1    428    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F3051e-94     300     52     64
6EGE78805.1    393    hypothetical protein BDDG_01742 [Ajellomyces...F2766e-94     297     55     68
7XP_002623200.1    393    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces...F2766e-94     297     55     68
8XP_003177267.1    389    hypothetical protein MGYG_01348 [Arthroderm...F2552e-93     296     56     72
9EGC47815.1    423    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F2674e-92     293     55     68
10EGD98383.1    390    hypothetical protein TESG_05762 [Trichophyto...F2542e-91     290     55     72
11EGE06484.1    390    hypothetical protein TEQG_05484 [Trichophyto...F2542e-91     290     55     72
12EER38663.1    422    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F2678e-91     290     55     67
13XP_003020089.1    389    hypothetical protein TRV_05862 [Trichophyto...F2533e-90     287     55     72
14XP_003011804.1    389    hypothetical protein ARB_02033 [Arthroderma...F2542e-86     278     53     71
15XP_003238167.1    389    hypothetical protein TERG_00159 [Trichophyt...F2543e-86     277     53     70
16XP_001544118.1    280    predicted protein [Ajellomyces capsulatus N...F2608e-82     262     52     64
17EEH07038.1    393    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F2412e-80     262     54     68
18CBF79568.1    395    TPA: conserved hypothetical protein [Asperg...F2812e-75     249     49     60
19XP_003300171.1    397    hypothetical protein PTT_11336 [Pyrenophora...F2453e-73     244     50     65
20EFY88537.1    398    hypothetical protein MAC_05431 [Metarhizium ...F2551e-72     242     48     65
21XP_680796.1    763    hypothetical protein AN7527.2 [Aspergillus ...F2812e-72     251     49     60
22XP_001799323.1    398    hypothetical protein SNOG_09020 [Phaeosphae...F2541e-69     234     46     64
23XP_001941181.1    443    conserved hypothetical protein [Pyrenophora...F2471e-68     233     48     64
24XP_001585216.1    384    hypothetical protein SS1G_13784 [Sclerotini...F2729e-66     224     44     59
25EGS21745.1    406    N-acetyltransferase-like protein [Chaetomiu...F2641e-65     224     44     63
26XP_003666172.1    389    hypothetical protein MYCTH_2310672 [Mycelio...F2611e-58     205     43     59
27XP_002850510.1    302    conserved hypothetical protein [Arthroderma...F2549e-58     200     44     59
28XP_001910576.1    388    hypothetical protein [Podospora anserina S ...F2552e-57     202     41     63
29XP_001931222.1    399    conserved hypothetical protein [Pyrenophora...F2795e-54     193     39     56
30XP_003301768.1    399    hypothetical protein PTT_13350 [Pyrenophora...F2792e-53     192     39     56
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