Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Coccidiodis immitis RMSCC 2394
secreted protein
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
31XP_001229089.1    376    hypothetical protein CHGG_02573 [Chaetomium...F3317e-97     306     49     66
32XP_002483929.1    419    conserved hypothetical protein [Talaromyces...F3196e-96     305     50     64
33EHA27371.1    497    hypothetical protein ASPNIDRAFT_44812 [Aspe...F3537e-95     304     48     63
34XP_001396336.2    414    hypothetical protein ANI_1_270114 [Aspergil...F3531e-94     301     48     62
35GAA86872.1    351    similar to An13g01980 [Aspergillus kawachii...F3375e-94     297     50     64
36CAK41597.1    523    unnamed protein product [Aspergillus niger]...F3537e-94     303     48     62
37XP_003661424.1    456    hypothetical protein MYCTH_2300786 [Mycelio...F3312e-92     297     47     65
38EFW99921.1    428    hypothetical protein CMQ_239 [Grosmannia cl...F3003e-91     293     51     65
39CBX96700.1    467    hypothetical protein LEMA_P109650.1 [Leptos...F4632e-90     292     39     54
40XP_001910969.1    476    hypothetical protein [Podospora anserina S ...F3153e-90     291     49     64
41XP_002150330.1    856    conserved hypothetical protein [Penicillium...F2747e-90     300     55     69
42CCD33574.1    533    hypothetical protein [Botryotinia fuckelian...F4024e-89     291     41     57
43CCF44842.1    306    hypothetical protein CH063_03442 [Colletotr...F2773e-88     281     51     66
44EFQ28152.1    384    hypothetical protein GLRG_03296 [Glomerella ...F2775e-88     283     52     66
45EGU88801.1    458    hypothetical protein FOXB_00683 [Fusarium o...F4221e-87     284     40     53
46XP_002560052.1    370    Pc14g00580 [Penicillium chrysogenum Wiscons...F3501e-85     276     46     60
47XP_001938710.1    414    conserved hypothetical protein [Pyrenophora...F3368e-84     273     44     59
48XP_003298163.1    437    hypothetical protein PTT_08773 [Pyrenophora...F3353e-83     272     44     60
49XP_001798474.1    411    hypothetical protein SNOG_08149 [Phaeosphae...F3402e-82     269     42     59
50EDP50794.1    408    conserved hypothetical protein [Aspergillus ...F3477e-82     268     43     59
51XP_751412.1    408    conserved hypothetical protein [Aspergillus ...F3478e-82     268     43     59
52XP_002837853.1    351    hypothetical protein [Tuber melanosporum Me...F2913e-80     262     47     63
53CCD49395.1    396    hypothetical protein [Botryotinia fuckelian...F2951e-78     259     47     62
54XP_001553353.1    390    hypothetical protein BC1G_08183 [Botryotini...F3022e-78     258     46     63
55XP_001266623.1    408    hypothetical protein NFIA_102100 [Neosartor...F3588e-78     257     41     58
56XP_001555096.1    288    hypothetical protein BC1G_06226 [Botryotini...F2821e-77     253     48     63
57XP_001242712.1    318    hypothetical protein CIMG_06608 [Coccidioid...F3122e-77     253     44     60
58XP_001262149.1    317    hypothetical protein NFIA_098860 [Neosartor...F3052e-77     253     45     59
59CBY00118.1    495    hypothetical protein LEMA_P077070.1 [Leptos...F3272e-77     259     45     58
60EFW16114.1    318    conserved hypothetical protein [Coccidioides...F3122e-77     253     44     60
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