Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Coccidiodis immitis RMSCC 2394
conserved hypothetical protein
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
1XP_003066648.1    637    hypothetical protein CPC735_058730 [Coccidi...F6370     1194     95     96
2XP_001246549.1    605    hypothetical protein CIMG_00320 [Coccidioid...F5320     1066     98     98
3EFW18376.1    294    conserved hypothetical protein [Coccidioides...F2942e-174     512     93     94
4XP_002540873.1    534    predicted protein [Uncinocarpus reesii 1704...F5061e-139     431     51     64
5EEH18402.1    752    conserved hypothetical protein [Paracoccidio...F5231e-68     249     37     51
6EEH47341.1    755    conserved hypothetical protein [Paracoccidio...F5241e-67     246     37     51
7XP_002794357.1    745    conserved hypothetical protein [Paracoccidi...F5272e-65     240     37     51
8EGE82286.1    760    hypothetical protein BDDG_05229 [Ajellomyces...F6583e-65     239     33     46
9EEQ91063.1    760    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F6585e-65     239     33     46
10XP_002629595.1    760    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces...F6375e-64     236     34     47
11EEH07619.1    752    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F6449e-63     233     34     47
12EGC41717.1    751    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F6102e-62     232     35     48
13EER45771.1    751    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F6105e-61     228     35     48
14XP_003237604.1    735    hypothetical protein TERG_02322 [Trichophyt...F6333e-45     180     31     45
15XP_002375502.1    712    conserved hypothetical protein [Aspergillus...F5187e-45     179     32     46
16XP_659755.1    651    hypothetical protein AN2151.2 [Aspergillus ...F5161e-44     177     33     50
17XP_001727257.1    712    hypothetical protein AOR_1_1866194 [Aspergi...F5181e-43     175     32     46
18XP_003025565.1    650    conserved hypothetical protein [Trichophyto...F5915e-41     167     32     47
19XP_003014836.1    652    conserved hypothetical protein [Arthroderma...F4902e-40     166     32     48
20EHA24846.1    643    hypothetical protein ASPNIDRAFT_181795 [Asp...F4321e-38     160     33     49
21XP_001397163.1    682    hypothetical protein ANI_1_1676134 [Aspergi...F4291e-38     160     33     51
22GAA91525.1    684    similar to An15g06350 [Aspergillus kawachii...F4009e-35     149     35     53
23XP_002842904.1    659    conserved hypothetical protein [Arthroderma...F3061e-31     139     37     50
24EGE05777.1    736    hypothetical protein TEQG_04785 [Trichophyto...F2167e-25     119     39     56
25EGD95473.1    684    hypothetical protein TESG_08386 [Trichophyto...F2168e-25     118     39     56
26XP_002567271.1    707    Pc21g02060 [Penicillium chrysogenum Wiscons...F4564e-24     116     31     47
27XP_001211522.1    733    predicted protein [Aspergillus terreus NIH2...F1542e-22     110     43     64
28XP_001537862.1    649    predicted protein [Ajellomyces capsulatus N...F4107e-22     109     30     44
29XP_003172848.1    738    hypothetical protein MGYG_05431 [Arthroderm...F1051e-17     95.9     50     62
30XP_755935.1    703    conserved hypothetical protein [Aspergillus ...F1171e-16     92.8     45     63
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