Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Coccidiodis immitis RMSCC 2394
hypothetical protein
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
1XP_001246528.1    122    predicted protein [Coccidioides immitis RS]...F1226e-83     249     100     100
2EFW18353.1    122    conserved hypothetical protein [Coccidioides...F1223e-82     247     99     100
3XP_002540857.1    116    predicted protein [Uncinocarpus reesii 1704...F1215e-40     139     64     77
4XP_003023200.1    123    conserved hypothetical protein [Trichophyto...F950.000000000000002     76.3     44     66
5EEH18380.1    120    hypothetical protein PABG_00943 [Paracoccidi...F1220.000000000000002     75.9     43     58
6XP_002567279.1    105    Pc21g02140 [Penicillium chrysogenum Wiscons...F1140.00000000000001     73.6     45     59
7XP_002794332.1    120    conserved hypothetical protein [Paracoccidi...F1220.00000000000002     73.6     40     57
8AEH41562.1    117    conserved hypothetical protein [Endocarpon ...F1200.00000000000002     73.6     41     56
9XP_001261044.1    115    hypothetical protein NFIA_091050 [Neosartor...F1130.00000000000002     73.2     43     58
10XP_002844162.1    126    predicted protein [Arthroderma otae CBS 113...F1130.00000000000003     73.2     40     60
11XP_002375538.1    116    conserved hypothetical protein [Aspergillus...F1140.00000000000003     72.4     45     61
12XP_003237573.1    123    hypothetical protein TERG_02290 [Trichophyt...F830.0000000000002     70.5     45     69
13XP_003172821.1    122    hypothetical protein MGYG_05406 [Arthroderm...F830.0000000000006     69.3     45     67
14XP_001397139.1    115    hypothetical protein ANI_1_1660134 [Aspergi...F1140.000000000001     68.2     43     56
15EGD95444.1    122    hypothetical protein TESG_02925 [Trichophyto...F1130.000000000002     67.8     38     61
16XP_001543964.1    126    predicted protein [Ajellomyces capsulatus N...F1210.00000000005     64.3     39     52
17EEH06798.1    126    predicted protein [Ajellomyces capsulatus G...F1210.00000000006     63.9     37     53
18EER38463.1    126    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F1210.00000000008     63.5     37     53
19XP_755916.1    160    conserved hypothetical protein [Aspergillus ...F1130.0000000002     62.8     40     54
20GAA91545.1    123    similar to An15g06100 [Aspergillus kawachii...F780.0000000002     62.4     47     60
21XP_002629619.1    127    hypothetical protein BDBG_00865 [Ajellomyce...F1000.000000002     60.1     40     57
22XP_001557133.1    117    predicted protein [Botryotinia fuckeliana B...F1120.000000002     59.3     40     54
23XP_001596045.1    154    predicted protein [Sclerotinia sclerotiorum...F1030.000000005     58.5     41     59
24EFQ32992.1    117    hypothetical protein GLRG_08136 [Glomerella ...F770.00000008     55.1     49     65
25XP_001931020.1    100    conserved hypothetical protein [Pyrenophora...F990.0000002     53.5     38     51
26CCD54612.1    79    hypothetical protein [Botryotinia fuckelian...F690.0000005     52.4     48     62
27XP_001275865.1    143    conserved hypothetical protein [Aspergillus...F1410.0000007     52.4     34     45
28XP_001797563.1    103    hypothetical protein SNOG_07214 [Phaeosphae...F1120.0000008     52     37     49
29EGU88772.1    112    hypothetical protein FOXB_00710 [Fusarium o...F810.0000008     52     46     57
30EHY52932.1    117    hypothetical protein HMPREF1120_01134 [Exop...F850.000001     51.6     36     58
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