Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Coccidiodis immitis RMSCC 2394
pantothenate transporter liz1
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
1XP_001246519.1    603    hypothetical protein CIMG_00290 [Coccidioid...F6030     1237     100     100
2XP_003066672.1    603    Major Facilitator Superfamily protein [Cocc...F6030     1211     98     99
3EFW18344.1    603    MFS transporter [Coccidioides posadasii str...F6030     1209     98     99
4XP_002540850.1    911    conserved hypothetical protein [Uncinocarpu...F6040     996     81     88
5XP_003023191.1    620    MFS transporter, putative [Trichophyton ver...F6160     783     65     77
6EGD95437.1    619    MFS transporter [Trichophyton tonsurans CBS...F6150     780     65     77
7XP_003172814.1    619    hypothetical protein MGYG_09083 [Arthroderm...F6280     777     64     75
8XP_003237565.1    617    MFS transporter [Trichophyton rubrum CBS 11...F6130     776     64     77
9XP_003014871.1    620    MFS transporter, putative [Arthroderma benh...F6160     773     64     76
10EEH47314.1    600    conserved hypothetical protein [Paracoccidio...F5830     730     64     75
11EEH18374.1    664    conserved hypothetical protein [Paracoccidio...F6030     714     62     73
12EGE82248.1    634    hypothetical protein BDDG_05191 [Ajellomyces...F5980     691     61     73
13EER38469.1    571    MFS transporter [Ajellomyces capsulatus H14...F5710     683     62     75
14EEQ91028.1    634    MFS transporter [Ajellomyces dermatitidis E...F5980     686     61     73
15XP_002844153.1    591    conserved hypothetical protein [Arthroderma...F6010     678     59     71
16XP_002375547.1    559    MFS transporter, putative [Aspergillus flav...F5090     659     66     79
17XP_001727299.1    559    MFS transporter [Aspergillus oryzae RIB40] ...F5090     657     65     79
18XP_002487168.1    632    MFS transporter, putative [Talaromyces stip...F5610     648     57     71
19XP_002567315.1    579    Pc21g02510 [Penicillium chrysogenum Wiscons...F5720     643     59     70
20CBF86324.1    554    TPA: MFS transporter, putative (AFU_ortholog...F5480     635     61     72
21XP_002145374.1    636    MFS transporter, putative [Penicillium marn...F5980     637     56     70
22XP_001261035.1    567    MFS transporter, putative [Neosartorya fisc...F5550     633     61     73
23XP_002629628.1    625    MFS transporter [Ajellomyces dermatitidis S...F5980     632     58     70
24XP_001275857.1    571    MFS transporter, putative [Aspergillus clav...F5720     626     60     71
25XP_659782.1    836    hypothetical protein AN2178.2 [Aspergillus ...F5270     632     61     74
26XP_001211624.1    914    conserved hypothetical protein [Aspergillus...F5110     635     64     76
27EHA24818.1    553    hypothetical protein ASPNIDRAFT_182423 [Asp...F5010     613     63     75
28EEH06804.1    582    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F5960     604     55     67
29EGC47617.1    584    MFS transporter [Ajellomyces capsulatus H88...F5980     598     55     67
30XP_001543970.1    584    predicted protein [Ajellomyces capsulatus N...F5650     596     56     69
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