Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Coccidiodis immitis RMSCC 2394
hypothetical protein
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
31EFW20450.1    257    conserved hypothetical protein [Coccidioides...F2496e-111     332     61     78
32XP_003023708.1    685    conserved hypothetical protein [Trichophyto...F3101e-92     298     50     60
33EEH04873.1    304    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F2841e-91     284     50     64
34EGE01677.1    266    hypothetical protein TEQG_00723 [Trichophyto...F2835e-91     281     47     64
35EEQ91379.1    275    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F2925e-90     279     51     63
36XP_002487802.1    266    conserved hypothetical protein [Talaromyces...F2951e-83     263     46     60
37EEH48980.1    238    conserved hypothetical protein [Paracoccidio...F1993e-82     258     62     75
38EEH22419.1    294    predicted protein [Paracoccidioides brasili...F2511e-81     258     53     64
39EGD97212.1    267    hypothetical protein TESG_04626 [Trichophyto...F2841e-78     249     44     60
40XP_002560801.1    293    hypothetical protein [Penicillium chrysogen...F2822e-75     243     47     65
41EER40683.1    242    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F2161e-74     239     54     67
42XP_002624305.1    283    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces...F2982e-74     239     46     59
43XP_001271826.1    303    hypothetical protein ACLA_048720 [Aspergill...F2904e-65     216     38     61
44EER36427.1    284    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F2526e-63     210     46     60
45EGC48991.1    284    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F2526e-63     210     46     60
46EHY59419.1    310    hypothetical protein HMPREF1120_07409 [Exop...F2862e-59     202     40     56
47XP_003231093.1    287    hypothetical protein TERG_08391 [Trichophyt...F2737e-59     199     41     57
48XP_003650635.1    290    hypothetical protein THITE_2110303 [Thielav...F2912e-58     198     41     55
49XP_003170635.1    286    hypothetical protein MGYG_06621 [Arthroderm...F2715e-58     197     40     55
50XP_003169553.1    288    hypothetical protein MGYG_08458 [Arthroderm...F2712e-57     196     39     55
51EGD99382.1    287    hypothetical protein TESG_06736 [Trichophyto...F2713e-57     195     40     57
52XP_003665283.1    288    hypothetical protein MYCTH_2120123 [Mycelio...F2896e-56     192     40     54
53XP_003656275.1    331    hypothetical protein THITE_2120698 [Thielav...F2886e-55     191     38     52
54EFW99391.1    294    hypothetical protein CMQ_7759 [Grosmannia c...F2478e-55     189     43     60
55XP_003024226.1    285    hypothetical protein TRV_01576 [Trichophyto...F2713e-54     187     39     56
56XP_003013323.1    287    hypothetical protein ARB_00508 [Arthroderma...F2672e-53     185     39     56
57EEH06239.1    270    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F2541e-50     177     42     56
58XP_002847282.1    288    conserved hypothetical protein [Arthroderma...F2874e-50     177     34     53
59XP_001246213.1    451    predicted protein [Coccidioides immitis RS]...F3007e-48     175     38     52
60EFW17263.1    331    conserved hypothetical protein [Coccidioides...F2959e-48     172     38     52
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