Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Coccidiodis immitis RMSCC 2394
FAD monooxygenase
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
91ZP_00998318.1    629    phenol 2-monooxygenase [Oceanicola batsensi...B4256e-38     155     29     46
92XP_002485559.1    603    pentachlorophenol 4-monooxygenase, putative...F4029e-38     154     27     47
93EFQ36653.1    728    FAD binding domain-containing protein [Glom...F4111e-37     155     29     46
94EHK21656.1    580    hypothetical protein TRIVIDRAFT_70718 [Tric...F4202e-37     153     27     45
95CCD52005.1    620    similar to FAD monooxygenase [Botryotinia f...F4492e-37     153     27     48
96XP_002837854.1    639    hypothetical protein [Tuber melanosporum Me...F4272e-37     153     27     50
97EHK42283.1    560    hypothetical protein TRIATDRAFT_30979 [Tric...F3653e-37     152     28     49
98XP_003033474.1    598    hypothetical protein SCHCODRAFT_108382 [Sch...F4973e-37     152     25     45
99ZP_01626178.1    647    phenol 2-monooxygenase [marine gamma proteo...B3976e-37     152     30     47
100XP_001728671.1    636    hypothetical protein MGL_4150 [Malassezia g...F3759e-37     151     29     49
101EFY90276.1    657    phenol 2-monooxygenase [Metarhizium acridum...F5261e-36     151     27     45
102ZP_04957304.1    645    phenol 2-monooxygenase [gamma proteobacteri...B4172e-36     150     28     45
103XP_001558087.1    627    hypothetical protein BC1G_03119 [Botryotini...F4542e-36     150     26     47
104EFQ26290.1    674    FAD binding domain-containing protein [Glom...F4482e-36     150     28     45
105XP_747728.1    588    phenol 2-monooxygenase [Aspergillus fumigat...F4123e-36     149     27     46
106XP_001396071.1    604    FAD binding domain protein [Aspergillus nig...F4223e-36     149     26     46
107CCF42256.1    677    FAD binding domain-containing protein [Coll...F4444e-36     150     29     46
108XP_002148646.1    573    2,4-dichlorophenol 6-monooxygenase, putativ...F4585e-36     149     27     45
109EFZ00443.1    657    phenol 2-monooxygenase [Metarhizium anisopl...F4435e-36     149     27     46
110XP_002144881.1    612    pentachlorophenol 4-monooxygenase, putative...F4016e-36     149     26     44
111XP_001263978.1    596    FAD binding domain protein [Neosartorya fis...F4166e-36     149     27     46
112EGU80629.1    658    hypothetical protein FOXB_08852 [Fusarium o...F4446e-36     149     27     45
113XP_001401834.2    577    2,4-dichlorophenol 6-monooxygenase [Aspergi...F5667e-36     148     24     42
114EFP77548.2    643    hypothetical protein PGTG_03504 [Puccinia g...F4608e-36     149     27     46
115XP_001539261.1    613    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces...F4031e-35     148     27     45
116EEQ85901.1    640    FAD binding domain-containing protein [Ajel...F4471e-35     148     27     44
117YP_113233.1    461    monooxygenase, FAD-binding [Methylococcus c...B3671e-35     146     32     49
118XP_001938034.1    624    phenol 2-monooxygenase [Pyrenophora tritici...F4321e-35     148     27     46
119EHA21015.1    874    hypothetical protein ASPNIDRAFT_129569 [Asp...F4111e-35     150     30     46
120ACY06308.1    507    FAD-dependent monooxygenase [Streptomyces f...B5272e-35     147     30     44
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