Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Coccidiodis immitis RS
conserved hypothetical protein
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
61XP_001597563.1    512    hypothetical protein SS1G_01757 [Sclerotini...F4772e-95     309     39     55
62EHK50842.1    491    hypothetical protein TRIATDRAFT_288687 [Tri...F4767e-95     307     36     55
63EGY16157.1    524    pisatin demethylase [Verticillium dahliae V...F4911e-94     307     37     55
64EEH17865.1    580    pisatin demethylase [Paracoccidioides brasi...F4681e-94     309     36     56
65XP_003000675.1    524    pisatin demethylase [Verticillium albo-atru...F4912e-94     307     36     55
66EGP92722.1    504    putative P450 monooxygenase [Mycosphaerella ...F4704e-94     305     37     57
67EFZ02877.1    496    cytochrome P450 pisatin demethylase, putati...F4855e-94     305     35     54
68EGX49193.1    509    hypothetical protein AOL_s00078g577 [Arthro...F4776e-94     305     36     55
69XP_680628.1    514    hypothetical protein AN7359.2 [Aspergillus ...F4966e-94     305     35     54
70EHY55231.1    523    cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase [Exophiala d...F5201e-93     305     34     55
71XP_002563615.1    519    Pc20g11260 [Penicillium chrysogenum Wiscons...F4842e-93     304     36     54
72EGU74661.1    603    hypothetical protein FOXB_14818 [Fusarium o...F4633e-93     306     38     56
73EGU83796.1    522    hypothetical protein FOXB_05666 [Fusarium o...F5088e-93     303     37     56
74XP_001905657.1    504    hypothetical protein [Podospora anserina S ...F5093e-92     300     33     54
75XP_001934779.1    536    pisatin demethylase [Pyrenophora tritici-re...F5434e-92     301     36     51
76XP_001904532.1    506    hypothetical protein [Podospora anserina S ...F4786e-92     300     35     53
77EGU75529.1    544    hypothetical protein FOXB_13947 [Fusarium o...F4877e-92     301     36     55
78XP_001555342.1    564    hypothetical protein BC1G_06047 [Botryotini...F5003e-91     300     35     55
79XP_381921.1    542    hypothetical protein FG01745.1 [Gibberella ...F4856e-91     298     35     54
80XP_001559006.1    513    hypothetical protein BC1G_02640 [Botryotini...F4739e-91     297     37     54
81XP_001823470.1    505    cytochrome P450 monooxygenase [Aspergillus ...F5031e-90     296     35     54
82XP_001938461.1    496    pisatin demethylase [Pyrenophora tritici-re...F4991e-90     296     35     54
83XP_003296637.1    527    hypothetical protein PTT_06782 [Pyrenophora...F5121e-90     297     36     51
84CCD48444.1    513    similar to cytochrome P450 [Botryotinia fuc...F4732e-90     296     37     54
85XP_001930568.1    525    pisatin demethylase [Pyrenophora tritici-re...F5132e-90     296     36     53
86XP_003052422.1    524    hypothetical protein NECHADRAFT_36590 [Nect...F4813e-90     296     38     55
87XP_001245481.1    424    hypothetical protein CIMG_04922 [Coccidioid...F4104e-90     293     40     56
88XP_003049742.1    544    predicted protein [Nectria haematococca mpV...F4976e-90     296     34     54
89XP_002385340.1    506    cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase, putative [A...F5071e-89     294     33     54
90XP_003650316.1    530    hypothetical protein THITE_48349 [Thielavia...F4811e-89     295     36     52
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