Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Coccidiodis immitis RS
PH domain-containing protein
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
61EDV08200.1    1245    sporulation-specific protein 71 [Saccharomyc...Y8129e-74     275     28     45
62NP_010389.1    1245    Spo71p [Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c] gi|...Y8121e-73     275     28     45
63EDN60447.1    1245    sporulation protein [Saccharomyces cerevisi...Y8121e-73     275     28     45
64EDZ73142.1    1245    YDR104Cp-like protein [Saccharomyces cerevi...Y8121e-73     275     28     45
65CAY78609.1    1245    Spo71p [Saccharomyces cerevisiae EC1118][TA...Y8121e-73     275     28     45
66EEU06925.1    1245    Spo71p [Saccharomyces cerevisiae JAY291][TA...Y8121e-73     275     28     45
67CCH61839.1    1543    hypothetical protein TBLA_0F03000 [Tetrapis...F8284e-71     269     26     45
68CCE79565.1    1043    Piso0_001641 [Millerozyma farinosa CBS 7064...F7837e-71     265     27     46
69XP_001387269.2    873    predicted protein [Scheffersomyces stipitis...F7629e-70     259     28     45
70CCF56829.1    1192    hypothetical protein KAFR_0B05340 [Kazachst...F7891e-69     262     26     46
71EFW95165.1    1108    hypothetical protein HPODL_3537 [Ogataea pa...F8196e-69     259     26     46
72EDK40235.2    971    hypothetical protein PGUG_04333 [Meyerozyma ...F7506e-67     252     28     45
73XP_001483604.1    971    hypothetical protein PGUG_04333 [Meyerozyma...F7504e-66     249     28     45
74XP_001644550.1    1240    hypothetical protein Kpol_1052p40 [Vanderwa...F7721e-58     229     25     44
75EEQ46580.1    832    conserved hypothetical protein [Candida alb...F7983e-55     215     27     42
76XP_712404.1    833    hypothetical protein CaO19.2129 [Candida al...F8001e-54     213     27     42
77XP_002421201.1    838    sporulation-specific protein, putative [Can...F8344e-54     212     25     43
78XP_002549437.1    851    conserved hypothetical protein [Candida tro...F7765e-51     202     25     42
79GAA94409.1    1175    hypothetical protein E5Q_01061 [Mixia osmun...F8024e-49     199     26     42
80EGU12933.1    1308    Proteophosphoglycan ppg4 [Rhodotorula gluti...F8711e-48     197     25     40
81EGO23992.1    1022    hypothetical protein SERLADRAFT_439300 [Ser...F8089e-47     191     25     41
82XP_002619948.1    539    hypothetical protein CLUG_01107 [Clavispora...F5081e-46     185     29     45
83EGN92139.1    813    hypothetical protein SERLA73DRAFT_117776 [S...F7603e-45     184     25     41
84EGA83546.1    1065    Spo71p [Saccharomyces cerevisiae Lalvin QA2...Y6301e-40     171     26     44
85XP_003683705.1    1080    hypothetical protein TPHA_0A01880 [Tetrapis...F7712e-40     171     24     43
86EHN03196.1    436    Spo71p [Saccharomyces cerevisiae x Saccharo...F4212e-37     156     27     45
87XP_001835680.1    1062    hypothetical protein CC1G_03462 [Coprinopsi...F7585e-37     160     24     43
88CCA71002.1    1164    hypothetical protein PIIN_04935 [Piriformos...F8113e-35     154     23     39
89XP_001876308.1    688    predicted protein [Laccaria bicolor S238N-H...F7691e-31     140     24     39
90ADN34459.1    186    hypothetical protein, partial [Stagonosporop...F1852e-26     117     36     57
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