Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Coccidiodis immitis H538.4
predicted protein
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
1XP_002072335.1    1288    GK22379 [Drosophila willistoni] gi|19416842...M630.51     38.5     33     54
2XP_003695614.1    1770    PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC10086...M880.65     38.1     31     50
3CBJ29246.1    834    conserved unknown protein [Ectocarpus silic...E951.6     37     27     49
4NP_082756.1    947    carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhes...M723.6     35.8     29     47
5NP_001018496.1    527    cytochrome b5 reductase 4 [Danio rerio] gi|...M816.1     35     27     48
6ZP_04249559.1    248    Oligopeptide transport ATP-binding protein ...B607.6     34.7     32     58
7ZP_04076981.1    248    Oligopeptide transport ATP-binding protein ...B608.2     34.7     32     58
8ZP_04260485.1    248    Oligopeptide transport ATP-binding protein ...B608.6     34.7     30     60
9ZP_04299025.1    282    Oligopeptide transport ATP-binding protein ...B608.7     34.7     32     60
10ZP_04094978.1    248    Oligopeptide transport ATP-binding protein ...B609.1     34.3     30     60
11NP_843189.1    308    unnamed protein product [Bacillus anthracis...B609.1     34.7     32     58
12ZP_04266070.1    248    Oligopeptide transport ATP-binding protein ...B609.3     34.3     32     58
13NP_977052.1    308    unnamed protein product [Bacillus cereus AT...B609.4     34.3     32     58
14ZP_04100527.1    248    Oligopeptide transport ATP-binding protein ...B609.5     34.3     32     60
15YP_003790521.1    308    oppF3 gene product [Bacillus cereus biovar ...B609.5     34.3     30     60
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