Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Mycosphaerella graminicola
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
1EGP85529.1    215    hypothetical protein MYCGRDRAFT_94868 [Myco...F2152e-157     445     100     100
2CBX93188.1    791    hypothetical protein LEMA_P040890.1 [Leptos...F1812e-19     95.5     37     52
3XP_001797926.1    474    hypothetical protein SNOG_07592 [Phaeosphae...F1772e-18     91.3     36     50
4XP_001935658.1    881    predicted protein [Pyrenophora tritici-repe...F1792e-17     89.4     36     52
5XP_003300666.1    887    hypothetical protein PTT_11974 [Pyrenophora...F1796e-16     85.1     35     52
6XP_002836392.1    534    hypothetical protein [Tuber melanosporum Me...F1570.00000000000007     78.2     31     48
7XP_001551680.1    542    hypothetical protein BC1G_09847 [Botryotini...F1960.000000000003     73.2     27     44
8CCD43212.1    542    hypothetical protein [Botryotinia fuckelian...F1960.000000000003     73.2     27     44
9XP_001593609.1    421    predicted protein [Sclerotinia sclerotiorum...F1920.000000003     63.9     29     45
10XP_001840255.2    1026    hypothetical protein CC1G_02718 [Coprinopsi...F1800.000006     54.3     28     46
11CBQ69531.1    491    conserved hypothetical protein [Sporisorium ...F1920.001     47.4     21     43
12CCA77784.1    484    hypothetical protein PIIN_03419 [Piriformos...F1810.002     46.6     26     44
13XP_761847.1    488    hypothetical protein UM05700.1 [Ustilago ma...F1920.005     45.4     23     42
14XP_001883278.1    972    predicted protein [Laccaria bicolor S238N-H...F1780.01     45.1     26     40
15XP_002477731.1    216    predicted protein [Postia placenta Mad-698-...F430.013     43.9     47     58
16EGN97368.1    553    hypothetical protein SERLA73DRAFT_75064 [Se...F430.022     43.5     49     58
17XP_003307317.1    731    hypothetical protein PGTG_00267 [Puccinia g...F630.022     43.9     38     56
18XP_003196440.1    414    hypothetical protein CGB_J1200C [Cryptococc...F910.027     43.1     30     52
19XP_001837228.2    437    hypothetical protein CC1G_00364 [Coprinopsi...F1810.048     42.4     25     40
20EFP74311.2    631    hypothetical protein PGTG_00267 [Puccinia g...F1800.055     42.4     26     41
21EFP74323.2    633    hypothetical protein PGTG_00279 [Puccinia g...F1800.064     42.4     26     42
22XP_001889751.1    638    predicted protein [Laccaria bicolor S238N-H...F1790.14     41.2     27     41
23XP_003307329.1    410    hypothetical protein PGTG_00279 [Puccinia g...F320.16     40.8     53     72
24XP_003031188.1    911    hypothetical protein SCHCODRAFT_257326 [Sch...F1810.21     40.8     26     43
25XP_773344.1    406    hypothetical protein CNBI2850 [Cryptococcus ...F430.25     40.4     37     60
26XP_001876715.1    366    predicted protein [Laccaria bicolor S238N-H...F270.29     40     67     74
27XP_001840152.2    459    hypothetical protein CC1G_02615 [Coprinopsi...F1800.43     39.7     23     44
28XP_002389597.1    422    hypothetical protein MPER_11254 [Moniliopht...F380.59     39.3     47     61
29EGN99785.1    415    hypothetical protein SERLA73DRAFT_179998 [S...F271.6     37.7     59     74
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