Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Mycosphaerella graminicola
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
1EGP84836.1    198    hypothetical protein MYCGRDRAFT_27248 [Myco...F1981e-146     416     100     100
2XP_001798210.1    284    hypothetical protein SNOG_07883 [Phaeosphae...F1985e-73     232     52     73
3EGP91869.1    178    hypothetical protein MYCGRDRAFT_27270 [Myco...F1752e-32     124     38     58
4CCD47396.1    287    hypothetical protein [Botryotinia fuckelian...F1912e-24     105     35     51
5XP_001549525.1    308    hypothetical protein BC1G_11946 [Botryotini...F1914e-24     105     35     51
6EGP82894.1    286    hypothetical protein MYCGRDRAFT_106332 [Myc...F2057e-23     101     32     47
7XP_003300188.1    303    hypothetical protein PTT_11356 [Pyrenophora...F2031e-22     101     31     48
8XP_003003791.1    283    conserved hypothetical protein [Verticilliu...F1997e-21     95.9     34     49
9EGY21947.1    284    hypothetical protein VDAG_03387 [Verticilliu...F1999e-21     95.5     34     49
10EGR52961.1    288    predicted protein [Trichoderma reesei QM6a]...F2011e-19     92.4     31     46
11EHA25015.1    190    hypothetical protein ASPNIDRAFT_142689 [Asp...F1924e-19     89.7     31     48
12CCF37562.1    291    tat pathway signal sequence [Colletotrichum ...F1436e-19     90.5     34     52
13XP_001591157.1    283    hypothetical protein SS1G_07782 [Sclerotini...F1946e-19     90.5     34     49
14CCD54597.1    279    hypothetical protein [Botryotinia fuckelian...F1829e-19     89.7     33     49
15GAA87838.1    289    tat pathway signal sequence [Aspergillus ka...F2012e-18     89.4     30     47
16XP_003188861.1    289    hypothetical protein ANI_1_1196104 [Aspergi...F1982e-18     89     30     47
17XP_731488.2    278    conserved hypothetical protein [Aspergillus...F2042e-18     88.6     30     48
18XP_001257345.1    278    hypothetical protein NFIA_047840 [Neosartor...F2043e-18     88.2     30     48
19CBX96924.1    305    hypothetical protein LEMA_P100550.1 [Leptos...F1847e-18     87.4     32     51
20EGU78057.1    264    hypothetical protein FOXB_11443 [Fusarium o...F1669e-18     87     31     55
21EFQ34867.1    287    tat pathway signal sequence [Glomerella gra...F1989e-18     87     30     47
22XP_001270395.1    278    conserved hypothetical protein [Aspergillus...F1961e-17     86.7     30     47
23XP_002476933.1    169    predicted protein [Postia placenta Mad-698-...F1702e-17     84.7     31     50
24XP_003174184.1    275    hypothetical protein MGYG_04361 [Arthroderm...F1522e-17     86.3     32     49
25EER40862.1    276    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F1772e-17     86.3     31     50
26XP_391647.1    264    hypothetical protein FG11471.1 [Gibberella ...F1664e-17     85.1     31     51
27XP_001933902.1    247    conserved hypothetical protein [Pyrenophora...F2035e-17     84.7     31     49
28XP_001549788.1    286    hypothetical protein BC1G_11258 [Botryotini...F1845e-17     84.7     32     49
29EGC45034.1    276    conserved hypothetical protein [Ajellomyces ...F1771e-16     84     31     49
30GAA85952.1    282    hypothetical protein AKAW_04066 [Aspergillu...F1961e-16     83.6     29     49
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