Fungal Genome Collection
University of Nebraska Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences and Center for Plant Science Innovation
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NR BLAST: Filtered hits per locus
Phycomyces blakesleeanus NRRL1555
recSubjectLengthDescriptionTax.Align.LenE valueBit score% ident.  % pos.
331CCE82411.1    113    Piso0_002136 [Millerozyma farinosa CBS 7064...F961e-20     88.6     46     60
332ABL67653.1    107    putative glutaredoxin [Citrus hybrid cultiv...P771e-20     88.2     49     68
3333RHB    113   A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Apo Form...P981e-20     88.6     40     62
334XP_001269551.1    102    glutaredoxin, putative [Aspergillus clavatu...F981e-20     88.2     47     62
335EGZ16488.1    116    hypothetical protein PHYSODRAFT_314272 [Phy...E962e-20     88.6     46     65
336EGW34651.1    104    hypothetical protein SPAPADRAFT_133099 [Spa...F892e-20     88.2     44     64
337EGT34174.1    105    hypothetical protein CAEBREN_04233 [Caenorh...M962e-20     88.2     48     66
338XP_003601242.1    127    Glutaredoxin [Medicago truncatula] gi|35549...P862e-20     88.6     48     64
339EGZ22986.1    104    hypothetical protein PHYSODRAFT_324251 [Phy...E982e-20     87.8     43     64
340XP_002866529.1    125    hypothetical protein ARALYDRAFT_919585 [Ara...P822e-20     88.6     50     62
341XP_002713972.1    107    PREDICTED: Glutaredoxin-1-like [Oryctolagus...M932e-20     88.2     46     62
342CBY00638.1    102    similar to glutaredoxin [Leptosphaeria macu...F912e-20     87.8     47     65
343BAK05185.1    165    predicted protein [Hordeum vulgare subsp. v...P982e-20     89.4     43     61
344ABR18238.1    147    unknown [Picea sitchensis][TAXONID:3332:TAXD...P982e-20     89     44     61
345NP_001047447.2    129    Os02g0618100 [Oryza sativa Japonica Group] ...P782e-20     88.6     50     65
346NP_490812.1    105    GLutaRedoXin family member (glrx-10) [Caeno...M952e-20     87.8     47     64
347NP_001119339.1    136    glutaredoxin-C2 [Arabidopsis thaliana] gi|3...P802e-20     88.6     49     66
348XP_003684460.1    106    hypothetical protein TPHA_0B03560 [Tetrapis...F952e-20     87.8     51     64
349XP_501474.1    105    YALI0C05467p [Yarrowia lipolytica] gi|49647...F902e-20     87.8     48     64
350ACF82007.1    167    unknown [Zea mays] gi unknown [Zea mays][TAX...P972e-20     89.4     41     61
351XP_003169087.1    236    glutaredoxin-C4 [Arthroderma gypseum CBS 11...F942e-20     90.5     46     66
352XP_001760421.1    99    predicted protein [Physcomitrella patens su...P872e-20     87.4     46     66
353CCA14706.1    103    PREDICTED: C. briggsae CBRGLRX10 proteinlik...E942e-20     87.4     44     65
354XP_002638831.1    105    C. briggsae CBR-GLRX-10 protein [Caenorhabd...M953e-20     87.4     47     64
355NP_001238538.1    166    uncharacterized protein LOC100305906 [Glyci...P983e-20     89     42     61
356AET43941.1    180    thioredoxin reductase, partial [Reishia cla...M923e-20     89.4     43     64
357XP_002112578.1    106    hypothetical protein TRIADDRAFT_25696 [Tric...M943e-20     87.4     45     64
358NP_568962.1    125    glutaredoxin-C1 [Arabidopsis thaliana] gi|1...P823e-20     87.8     49     62
359XP_001628285.1    108    predicted protein [Nematostella vectensis] ...M964e-20     87     43     65
360P12864.1    106   GLRX1_RABIT RecName: Full=Glutaredoxin-1; Al...M934e-20     87     46     61
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