Understanding Bioinformatics book website
- Molecular Biology/Genetics/Genomics Tutorials
- Unix/Linux/Programming Tutorials
- Bioinformatics Online Books/Tutorials
"Sequence-Evolution-Function: Computational Approaches in Comparative Genomics"
by Koonin and Galperin
NCBI Tutorials (BLAST, Amino Acid Explorer, etc.)
NCBI Help Manual (BLAST, Entrez, PubMed, etc.)
NCBI YouTube Channel (tutorials for many NCBI tools including BLAST/E-values)
NCBI Documentation (online manuals, handbooks, fact sheets, and FAQs)
EMBL-EBI: On-demand training
National Human Genome Research Institute: Educational Resources, Bioinformatics
Max Planck Institute Online Lectures on Bioinformatics
- Genetics Learning Resources at the Jackson Laboratory
Teaching with Genome Blowser from UCSC Genome Browser
UCSC Genome Blowser tutorials
PLoS Computational Biology Collections
Bielefeld University BiBiServ Bioinformatics Courses
Bates Bioinformatics Tutorial
Bioinformatics Crash Course @ UCSD/UBIC
Bioinformatics and Homology Modeling: A Student-Tested Tutorial for Beginners
Bioinformatics, Sequence and Structural Alignment
- Bioinformatics Tools: Web Server
- Bioinformatics/Molecular Evolution Tools: Standalone Package (free)
Multiple Alignment, Alignment Editors, and Phylogenetic Reconstruction/Visualization
- Sequence/alignment format conversion
- Simple Open Reading Frame (ORF) finder and translation
- Dotplot
- Databases
- Genome Databases and Genome Browsers
- Genome Databases (organism specific)
Flybase: A Database of Drosophila Genes & Genomes
Sequenced Arthropod Genomes from i5k initiavive
Ag100Pest Initiative from i5k initiavive
Hymenoptera Genome Database (including BeeBase, NasoniaBase, Ant Genomes)
InsectBase (integrated genome and transcriptome resources of insects)
VectorBase (including Anopheles, Aedes, Ixodes, Culex, Pediculus, Rhodnius, Glossina)
AphidBase: The Aphid Genome Database
TAIR: The Arabidopsis Information Resource
MaizeGDB: Maize Genetics and Genomics Database
Phytozome: The Plant Genomics Resource at JGI
Plant GARDEN (Genome And Resource Database Entry)
Fungal Genome Initiative (FGI) at BROAD Institute
MycoCosm: The Fungal Genomics Resource at JGI
Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD)
Candida Genome Database (CGD)
Fungal Genome Collection (our own! But currently not updated)
VEuPathDB: Eukaryotic Pathogen Database Resources
WormBase: The database for C. elegans and related nematodes
dictyBase: The Dictyostelid Genome Database
Earth Biogenome Project Genome Database
NIH Human Microbiome Project (HMP)
Integrated Microbial Genomes & Microbiomes at JGI
GISAID (including genomic information of Influenza viruses, coronaviruses, monkeypox virus, and RSV)
Virus-Host DB at GenomeNet
- Gene/genome/functional annotations
- Scientific calculator (with full precision)
- PDF converter
- @ UNL