Coming soon!
- num_taxa: Number of taxa,
- indel_len_dist: The geometric length distribution used in dataset,
- short: Maximum indel size = 5, average indel size = 2.
- medium: Maximum indel size = 31, average indel size = 5.
- long: Maximum indel size = 30, average indel size = 9.
- indel_prob: Probability of indel occurrence per substitution,
- treelen: The average root-to-tip path length, averaged over all paths,
- alnlen: The average alignment length of the true MSA
- gappiness: The percentage of all characters in the true MSA that are gaps
- MNHD: The Hamming distance between the two maximally different pair of sequences
- ANHD: The average Hamming distance between all pairs of sequences
- tree_error: The percentage of false branches in the FastTree reconstructed phylogeny versus the true tree (i.e., the simulation guide tree).
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