1. You need to prepare a file including either: amino acid composition for SVM-AA or dipeptide composition for SVM-di calculated from your sequences. See example files for how to prepare these files. The order of amino acids are shown in the first comment line of the example files. 2. Download the trained models for these SVM classifiers. Models are provided for the current version (6.01) as well as version 5.0 of SVM-light since the model file has different format. 3. Download the SVM-light package from Joachims' web site on your own machine. 4. Once the software is installed, type this command line: "svm_classify aa.txt svmaa_model outputfile" "aa.txt" is the input file that has either amino acid composition or dipepdite composition from your sequences, "svmaa_model" is the file name for the svm models you downloaded in the step 2, "outputfile" stores the prediction results. For more details, please read the SVM-light web site.